Ch. 21 : The Death Of An Otsutsuki

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Ch. 21: the death of an otsutsuki


The 2 lovers woke up feeling refresh and energetic. They shared a hot and passionate kiss before they get dress and leave the room together.

Gaara and Kankuro saw the 2 preparing breakfast together. They have a hunch that something happened last night, after all, a boy and a girl together in the room? Elementary question.

Naruto with Kuramas emotion sensing felt the 2 brothers bothered feelings. In order to avoid being 'interrogated' he start the conversation.

Naruto: Gaara, after we eat, i want to execute Otsutsuki Magora. He'll be a problem to us and the other bijuu if he is left alive.

Kankuro(nod): he is right, Gaara. If Naruto didnt made in time we wouldve lost you and Shukaku. The guy is strong, we cant let him live or stay in our prison when the potential to escape and bite us behind our back is just too big.

Temari nod.

Gaara: i understand. The only ones who know he is here aside from us is baki and my anbu guards. Naruto, will you do it?

Naruto(nod): if you are okay with it, then i will do it.

<Location: Basement Prison>

5 people including Baki stand in front of Magoras prison. Gaara give the key to Magoras cell to Naruto.

Naruto: lets do this then.

Naruto open the cell and enter. Magora saw him and ask while standing in a fighting stance.

Magora: stay where you are! What are you doing here?

Naruto shunshin behind him. Magora failed to follow his movement.

Naruto: its obvious, right? Im here to kill you, of course.

Naruto whisper to his ear and Magoras sweat fall as he sense the aura of death slowly clinging to him.

Naruto withdraw his sword from his storage seal and stab Magora from the back. The surprise Otsutsuki couldnt believe that he really would kill him, and that he would die in a backward planet like earth.

Otsutsuki: da-damn ba-bastard, you will not escape your punishment f-for killing an O-otsutsuki. Sooner or l-later they will find the portal i used to come here, and when they found out im de-dead they will search for y-you, they will See

Otsutsuki Magora died in the hands of Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto. The first human in history to kill an Otsutsuki. But...the threat that he said linger in minds of the 4 people outside the prison cell.

They heard everything that he said, including the other Otsutsuki and a possible confrontation. When? No one knows.

Naruto took the Byakugan eyes of the dead Magora and sealed them in his storage scroll, then he use a Katon Jutsu to burn the body to ashes.

Naruto: Gaara, i think you should call for a Kage Meeting again. The other Kage should know of this information, whether it is true or not, its still better to be careful and ready.

Gaara: i know, and i thought that the problem is solve after killing him (sigh). Whats is wrong with this world, are we forsaken hy gods?

A/N: i dont have experience writing adult scenes, sorry for escaping it. dont forget to vote, follow and check my other fic. Thanks! Happy Reading Everyone. 

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