Ch. 12 : Naruto Has Arrived

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Ch. 12: naruto has arrrived

<In Wave: Before Shukaku's Call>

Tazuna(frown): Naruto-gaki, we heard from one of the merchant of konoha that visit wave before, that you suddenly disappeared after the new Hokage's inauguration. Uchiha Sasuke, isnt he your teammate that gone rogue before?

Naruto had a sad expression as he look down on the floor. The family of three notice this and didnt speak, they just wait for Naruto to talk first.

Naruto: was my dream to become Hokage since i was 4-5 y/o and everybody in the village knows that. Even the previous 5th hokage who is my godmother knows it, but still she choose Sasuke, the one who had gone rogue, allied with Orochimaru the traitor sannin, attack konoha shinobi, attack the 5 kage summit and imprison the 9 bijuu who help us win the war against Madara and a Supreme being.

"Thats why, when baa-chan tsunade pick Sasuke as her successor and not me, i feel hurt and betrayed. My own godmother didnt trust me that i can be a good and worthy hokage. But i still love konoha, so i didnt disappear as a shinobi and become a rogue missing nin, instead i retire and become a normal civilian.

"I then went to my ancestral village, in Uzushiogakure, I spend 2 years there to train and become stronger. When im done there i decided to return to konoha and who knows maybe become merchant or a bounty hunter.

"I decided to come here and visit you guys first before going back...and the rest you already know it."

The trio have their eyes widen after Naruto reveal his story. Tsunami even cried when he said that even her own godmother betrayed him and pick the formerly rogue Uchiha. Tsunami stand up and hug Naruto.

Tsunami: its okay, Naruto-kun. You are always welcome here, no one will betray you in wave. If you want you can always stay here in our house, father and Inari are okay with it, right you two?

Tazuna(nod): yes gaki, you can stay in our house if you want, we'd be happy to have you here.

Inari(smile): i always want a big brother like you, Naruto-nii!

Naruto: tha-

Before Naruto could thank them, he was pulled to his mindscape. Naruto was confused at first until he saw the panic expression of Shukaku, even Kurama was surprised.

Kurama: Shukaku, what happened to you, why do you look panic and afraid?

Naruto: yeah, did something happen to you and Sunagakure?

Shukaku: Naruto, Kurama i need your help! Come to suna and find my chakra signature, me and Gaara were attacked by an Otsusuki! He's after us bijuu! He wants to collect us and become the second Kaguya!

Kurama(shock): WHAT?! AN OTSUSUKI?!

Shukaku: i dont know how that bastard Otsusuki come here, my best guess is that he must have found the path the same as Kaguya used before to come to our planet. ANYWAY, HURRY AND COME TO SUNA FAST, ME AND GAARA CANT HOLD HIM FOR LONG!

Kurama nod and Naruto assure him.

Naruto: dont worry, were coming, Shukaku.

<Outside his Mindscape>

The trio were worried because Naruto suddenly stop talking and moving, he's just staring at them, then-

Naruto(stand up): sorry guys, a friend speak to me to my mindscape and there is a problem. Someone is attacking Sunagakure and the Kazekage and they needed my help, so i have to go. Thanks for having me, I promise ill return after the situation there stabilize.

Without waiting for there reply, Naruto disappear using Hiraishin (flying thunder god). In his 2 years of studying Fuinjutsu, Naruto mastered the Hiraishin and can teleport to places without mark. All he needs is to think and then, *poof*, he is there.

Naruto appeared beside Shukaku and saw Gaara trying to defend himself from the attacks of the mysterious Otsusuki.

A/N: hope you guys like Ch. 12. Dont forget to vote, follow amd check my other fanfic, thanks. 

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