Chapter 38: The Fright

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Anne's POV:

The meeting was cut short when we heard the distress call of Chantel. I suddenly started to feel nervous as I ran in the direction of Chantel's voice, while Kalia called for the medic. As soon as I entered the room, her figure laying on the ground was the first one I saw.

Angelie was already barely breathing when I saw her so I called again for the medic, he arrived and immediately asked us to help him pick up Angelie from the ground. We placed her on the bed and the medic asked all the people inside the room to get out.

"I can help." I insisted. The medic already knows about my experiences in the medical field so he quickly agreed.

"Can I stay?"

I sympathetically looked at Chantel whose eyes are still red from crying, the medic gave her a firm nod before he started to perform checkups on Angelie's body.

"Her pulse is very...weak."

I worriedly looked at Angelie as the medic started to apply pressure on her chest, he checked again her pulse and the disappointment was evident on his face. 

"We have to restore her vital signs then." 

The medic didn't even hesitate to disagree so we started to perform her operation as soon as possible, I started to inject the needles into Angelie's wrist to keep her system active. 

"Are you sure you want to stay?" I turned around to face Chantel who looked hurt at the sight of needles inserted into Angelie's wrist.

"Please, take some rest. We're going to update you soon about Angelie." 

Chantel just gave us both a tired nod, she gave Angelie the last look first before leaving the room. I regained my composure and went back to treating Angelie whose heartbeat is starting to improve a little.

"Good, she's stabilizing."

Every minute that has passed is a crucial moment for Angelie, one wrong move can make permanent damage to her system. Whatever is inside that gas, is a very powerful chemical as it specifically targeted Angelie's vital organs. It's true that she's quite lucky that she made it until this far.

"You know, I never get why it has to be us. Not that I have the utmost hatred towards your people, but sometimes they feel like the world revolves around them, you know? Other people exist outside their circle too."

I pursed my lips and slowly nodded in understatement. "That's why this has to end, but first let's save my friend's girlfriend."

I heard a small laugh coming from the medic that made the atmosphere around us more positive as we carefully perform Angelie's operation.

"The fluids should keep her good for now, but I don't think she will be conscious on the next day."

"The gas really harmed her vital organs badly, I just hope that she will be able to see how everything will start to change tomorrow."

I was too late to take back what I said. The information about our attack against the Council tomorrow wasn't supposed to be enclosed to the civilians, Kalia carefully instructed me that.

"About time then. Don't worry, your friend is very strong." The medic gave me a kind smile before leaving me alone with Angelie. I looked up at the monitor and saw her body doing much better than earlier. That was also the moment that I chose to not join the plan for tomorrow so that I can assist Angelie when she woke up.

I heard a knock on the door that made me close the book I was reading.

"Anne? Can I come in?"

It was Kalia, I opened the door and greeted her with a tight hug.

"How is Angelie doing?"

"Much better." I breathed out. Speaking that out loud felt good.

I offered Kalia a seat beside me so that she can get a better look at Angelie. I saw worry painted all over her face but I assured her that Angelie will wake up before we know it.

"Did you tell Chantel about this?"

I shook my head. "She deserves a rest and tomorrow will be a big day for all of you."

Kalia tilted her head in confusion. "Um, don't you mean a big day for us?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to join you guys, I need to be here when Angelie wakes up." 

"Don't you think that should be Chantel's role?"

I released a long sigh. "I need to be here, Kalia. My friend almost died and I can't let her out of my sight."

"Alright, I got you. I will tell Clyde about your decision." Kalia kindly smiled before planting a kiss on the top of my head.

Kalia decided to stay with me in the room, which also meant that she will be sleeping around the smell of chemicals and medicines. 

The night was calm, there was almost no noise outside. Some of the people here don't even know that some of their kind may not make it back home tomorrow. I looked down at Kalia who is sleeping peacefully against my chest and thought about the scenarios that might happen tomorrow at the Council.

"Goodnight, Kal. I love you."

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