Chapter 15: The Neglected

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"Ms. Groves, all of your belongings are packed, your service going outside this section is already waiting."

I nodded towards Instructor Hendrick who gave me a very disappointing look. Even all of the rookies are looking at me like I don't belong with them anymore. 

"Senior Groves has given you this letter. Take care, soldier." 

I appreciated the instructor's sympathetic smile but I still can't accept that my own father wants to banish me from this section. I opened the letter but I didn't expect any more explanation as I can clearly see that he wants me away from the rookies and from him.

I folded the letter and slipped it inside the pocket of my bag. Inside the bag, I noticed an envelope that has enough money in it for me to survive for a few days. I zipped my bag and slumped it over my shoulders.

I gave the section where I grew up the last look before stepping a foot outside the gates being opened by the Night watches. I entered the vehicle that was supposed to take me to another section, which I bet was the lower one.

"Goddamn it, of all people, I was tasked to chaperone the princess herself."

It was none other than Anne. I heard her dramatically bumping her head to the steering wheel with a loud groan. Here I thought she was still somewhere in the woods or got taken by the evil sister of Chantel.


Until now, I don't have any idea what happened to her. I just hope that she's safe from the explosion.

"Good to see you alive and well, Anne, after committing theft."

Anne rolled her eyes and started the car's ignition to avoid hearing me talk.

"I might be saved, but look at how cursed my life is. Service shift, really? Where the hell am I even taking you by the way?" Anne kept on rambling before checking the device that looks pretty unstable because of the adhesive around it.

"They should have at least given you a brand new device for your shift." I retorted.

Anne's eyes were so glued on what is written on the device that she almost crashed us into a tree. Anne abruptly stepped her foot on the brakes that sent me leaning across her seat almost bumping my head against it.

"There's no way in hell that I am taking you to Section 58...that place is filled with bad news."

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on the seat. "As if you care."

Anne gasped and turned around to face me. "Hey, I still have a heart, but seriously though they should have at least sent you to sections 2 to 40. What have you done, Groves?"

I groaned and thought of an answer. If I would describe what happened back in Taran, it would be everything. I learned about the council's deepest secret, I learned about how ruthless my father is, I discovered what the laboratories are for, I realized that I am engineered, I was told that my mother was a Remnant, and I have found the only person who I really bonded and connected with.

It's everything.

"Nothing. It was my fault that we crashed on that island." Great, now I am a hypocrite. Anne unsurely nodded her head. She seems to be battling with her head so I gave her enough silence inside the vehicle.

"I...I am sorry for my actions at that time. So, as a peace offering, I would take you to where I live instead for a few days until we find you an adequate shelter in Section 58."

I just nodded and went with Anne's flow. I still don't know how she made it back here, but I really need a roof above my head for now that I will live independently without my father's guidance. I won't ever look at him the same way I looked up to him when I was a child. I don't even know if I should continue to follow in his footsteps or if I will also end up like him in the future.

Anne entered the gates of Section 37, which looks quite similar to my previous section except that the people don't wear the same clothing. "How did you have a home here if you lived in Section 1 your whole life?"

Anne arched an eyebrow and gave me a playful smirk. "Oh, come on, you don't sneak out? I always sneak out at night and visit the people I refer to as my second parents."

The Nightwatch gave Anne a smile before allowing us to pass. She did a few turns before the vehicle went to a full stop and we were outside a house nearby the lake. 

Anne went out first and I followed her. An old lady went outside the door with squinting eyes, trying to recognize the two people in front of her house that looks very warm and fuzzy, unlike my old cold and isolated cabin.

"Anne, dear? Is that really you? It has been a long time!" The old lady rushed in front of Anne and hugged her tightly. I smilingly watched their interaction, while Anne gave me an apologetic look.

"Martha, this is Angelie and she will be staying with you for a few days." 

The Martha lady faced me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "I heard what happened, honey. You're welcome here."

The news really spread fast around here. I showed Martha a polite smile and thanked her for her kindness. She told us to come in and get comfortable as she prepares us a drink.

"Comfortable enough for me to get out of here before Hendrick becomes suspicious?" Anne joked but I know she's also serious about Instructor Hendrick getting suspicious.

"Martha seems nice."

Anne nodded. Martha came back with two cups in her grip, she brought them down the table and gave each one of us. I smelled the hot liquid and I don't I have ever drunk this kind of beverage.

"Thank you for the drink, Martha, but I need to go now before they banish me like this one here." Anne laughed at her own joke while Martha and I seriously looked at her. She awkwardly waved her hand and took off. 

"That kid will be the death of me."

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