Chapter 9: The Truth

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Mans what?

I didn't kill anyone and what the hell do they mean by trespassing? That island is ours, or at least that was the council used to say.

"W-wait, what?" I managed to speak out after being so confused as to why they will sentence me to death for something I haven't done, and how did they also know my full name? Only my father knows that.

"You must be so confused. Why don't we take this to dinner, or should I say your last meal." Chantel smirked sideways. She turned her back from me and stood on the platform next to her. She stood there in a poised manner but also authoritative at the same time.

"People of Taran, I call for your attention. Later at midnight, these criminals will be punished with death. We will march to Valhalla and watch these sinners have the last night of their life. Again, I will be expecting all of your presence."

The crowd cheered at the person speaking before them. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach that what will happen tonight is already determined. 

"At least I will die along with a Royal blood." The same voice I heard from the cage spoke next to me.

 haven't noticed that they were standing there the whole time. It was a woman who has a collection of scars on her face, and she was also wearing a cloth that barely covers her skin anymore. Standing next to her were also a few of the prisoners, hands were tied and their bodies limping weakly.

I cursed against my breath as I saw the different looks coming from the people who surrounded us. Some have hatred, disgust, anger, and even pity. There was one person in particular in the crowd that got my attention. She was intensely staring at me without even blinking. I stared back at her with the same intensity, I tilted my head in confusion but then the woman turned her back and walked away from the crowd.

Well, that's just odd. I will be meeting my death tonight and the last thing I would want is to have a creepy stalker. Chantel was still talking to the people and that's when I realized that she was the superior here. The people looked up at her like she was kind of some beacon of light. 

Chantel jumped down from the platform and nodded toward the men behind each of the prisoners making them grab our arms to walk us back to the cages.

"Leave that prisoner with me." My head turned to Chantel who called the man behind me to let go. The crowd suddenly started to whisper among one another. I awkwardly walked to where Chantel was standing with my head down. Seriously, they need to stop calling me royal blood because such a title doesn't exist. I am just seen as a commoner in our section. 

I felt the tip of Chantel's finger lift my chin to make me stare directly into her eyes. Her stare was awfully familiar to the one I received from the random woman I spotted among the crowd earlier. 

"Listen, royal blood. I won't send you back to the cages because we have an important issue to discuss. Follow me." Chantel ordered and I instantly nodded my head.

I followed behind her and we walked past the cages where I saw the teasing grin of the woman I was talking to earlier. I rolled my eyes at her and I continued to stroll behind Chantel. We climbed a couple of stairs until we reached a massive room that looks very unusual for a bedroom.

There's a table in the middle of the room, an odd bed, and some other stuff I don't normally see for a bedroom. In my unit, I only have a bed and the small cactus plant I have always taken care of since I started living away from my father.

This room looks like a combined 3 units. It's very massive for one person but considering how Chantel is like an important person here left me no more room for questions about how she got everything here.

"Take a seat."

My eyes searched for a chair and saw one near the table. I sat down and waited for Chantel to talk about whatever issue she wanted to talk about. She kept on walking in a circle and still haven't talked, so I decided to address the elephant in the room.

"You should start talking because in a few hours I will be dead." I sarcastically said, trying to enlighten the mood between us. 

Chantel stopped pacing around and stared at the ground for a minute before sitting at the chair in front of me. She crossed her legs and clasped her hands together.

"Do you know why I have found you?" She asked and I shook my head no.

She sighed and leaned forward. "You have something that I have been looking for for a long time.." She trailed off which gave me a moment to think about what she said. 

"What is it?" I bravely asked.

"Something that belonged to your mother, Analise."

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