Chapter 13: The Siege

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All of the Remnants living in Taran gathered around us, forming a wide circle of warriors. They all shouted in unison before marching to where the ancient ship was. Meanwhile, I was only holding the pendant around my neck, afraid it might get stolen or gone again.

"Hey, you can relax."

My head swept to Chantel walking behind me. I gave her a small smile before letting go of the pendant. I can tell that we are already nearby, the sounds coming from the ship are pretty loud. Some of the Remnants didn't wait any longer and ran straightly to the source of the sound.

I still can't shake the fear that these Remnants around me might recognize my face from the day I faced a crowd full of them being sentenced to death. Chantel even gave me a scarf to hide the corners of my face.


A loud voice suddenly made every single one of us abruptly stop moving. I rose my head and saw a tall muscular man in front of us with his fist raised in the air. 

"Disperse. Hold your position until I say so." 

The Remnants quickly nodded their head to Chantel's command and hid behind the trees around us. I asked Chantel what I can do but she interrupted me by grabbing my wrist and taking me next to her to stand beside the tall muscular man.

"Who's this?" He scowled when he saw my appearance. 

Chantel answered for me by giving the man a look I can't quite tell and then he just ignored me. He started to point something behind the ship and we immediately took cover as we saw a figure walking from behind it.

"Sister! Why don't you come here and join me to celebrate!"

Our heads turned to Chantel, waiting for her response. All she did was close her eyes before releasing a deep sigh. She tightly held both the sides of my arms and told me the last thing I want to hear from her.

"Stay here, I can deal with her." 

"You said she might be dangerous? I could help." I breathed out but Chantel shook her head.

"You'll know the signal when I need one, but for now I need you to be safe." She smiled that almost made my heart break. I finally let go and watched her approach her sister.

From where we are hiding, their voices only came out muffled. I tried going closer to them but a pair of strong hands forcefully brought me down.

"Listen, I still don't trust you but you need to stay down." 

Why are they taking so long? It must have been a couple of minutes and we haven't heard any suspicious noises. My instincts are starting to tell me that this is a trap and Chantel is already risking her life. 

"Wait, where are you going- GODDAMN! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT."

I silently laughed as I finally escaped from his watch. I used a move that was taught to me that works very nicely to help people fall behind their back while holding their bleeding noses. I sneaked to the bush that has a good enough view at the back of the ship.

When I peaked, I saw nothing but the waves softly hitting the ship. My eyes frantically searched for a sign of Chantel but I find none. My heart leaped when I suddenly felt something move behind me. 

I remained frozen behind the bush when I heard the same eery laugh. Its hands envelopes my shoulders. "Don't try hiding from me now."

It was the ghost. I was standing like I was petrified by its presence until it walked in front of me and I was too shocked to realize that her hands were already making their way to my pendant. Her eyes held an intensive stare that took me back from the day I first saw those same eyes.

It was hungry for power, freedom, and revenge. "Thank you for bringing this to me."

I want to shout and curse at her for stealing my pendant but I can't even move a single bone. She stares at it creepily while smiling smugly while I helplessly looked around the island to signal everyone for their attack but the island was dead silent as if it was only the two of us here.

"Are you finding them, royal blood?"

My eyes widened at the nickname everyone used to call me in Taran. She tilted her head with a confused look on her face. "What? You think I was that clueless?"

I internally kept saying yes inside my head since I couldn't even speak now. She laughed again before staring at me with the same fire it held earlier.

"Your...kind killed my family, well, except for that pathetic excuse of a sister." She rolled her eyes at the mention of Chantel which made me want to claw her face with all my might only if I wasn't being held under her power.

"And now...I am going to kill yours one by one. Enjoy your moment while it last." She angrily spat before raising the pendant above her head.

My eyes followed the pendant but I caught something rising from the sea. It was Chantel. I tried my best to keep on acting like a scared cat while Chelsea did some theatrics with my pendant. Chantel was fastly approaching without Chelsea noticing.

Until Chelsea was finally brought down to the sand by Chantel. The two started to throw punches at each other while I gasped for air. I fell to the sand and reached for the fallen pendant. 

I proudly smiled when it finally reached my grasp. I looked back at the sisters and they were still fighting. I was trying to make myself helpful until I remember that there was a substance inside the pendant. I hurriedly grabbed the nearest rock and smashed it against the pendant. It released a red substance that looks and smells like blood, I watched it spread until it reaches the water.

A screeching noise came from Chelsea. We both stayed silent as we observed something out of ordinary happen to her. It was as if she was being dragged to the sea by no one. I helped Chantel get up on her feet and we both watched Chelsea being submerged in the ocean.

"That's it? I could have just thrown the pendant-"

My babbling was interrupted by the warm embrace of Chantel.

"Thank you."

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