Chapter 2: The Fall

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"Angelie Rosette Groves, stop whatever you are doing this instant."

I was so close to landing my last punch on the guy who sat beside me until I heard the authoritative voice of my father through the speaker of the aircraft. I was too focused on teaching these troublemakers a lesson when I remember that they can hear us.

With one last look in the guy's eyes, I released him from my grip. I casually sat back in my seat and leaned my head against the window.

"She's crazy." I heard one of them whisper but I couldn't care less anymore because my father already caught me. The thought of him making me undergo those hardcore training again as a punishment made me sigh heavily.

I took action again without thinking. I momentarily closed my eyes and held onto the pendant around my neck, but my hands couldn't feel it.

My head quickly shot to the people around me and they gave me the wickets of all smiles. 

"Looking for this, princess?" The girl was tossing it around the two guys like it was nothing.

"Give that back to me," I said through gritted teeth. I don't want to do what I did earlier again, but if they won't give it back to me...


They continued to laugh as they toss the pendant to each other.

"Hey, princess! Think fast!" 

With one swift motion, the guy beside me crashed the window to the aircraft with his elbow.

"D-don't..." I pleaded with all I can as I stared deeply into the girl who was holding the pendant near the broken window.

The girl won't stand down but I was down to my last option to take my pendant back. 


I was too late. The girl threw my pendant somewhere in the clouds. I collected myself and released a deep breath. I will deal with them later, but first I have to find the override button of this aircraft.

"What are you doing?!" The guy questioned as I frantically moved around the aircraft, making it move out of balance.

"You idiots think that you always have a way in everything. You think you always win and rule out the others." I muttered.

I finally located the hatch and pried it open with my own hands. The button was already blinking in red color, which only meant one thing, I don't have to press it anymore because the aircraft's machine is already declining. The troublemakers must have breached the transportation by breaking the window down.

I hurriedly went back to my seat and fastened the seatbelt around my waist and chest. I held tight onto it while the others stared at me like I was some kind of maniac.

"Um, what the hell is she acting like that?" The girl asked but she didn't receive any response as the aircraft started to falter.

I took deep breaths to calm myself. I read that when situations like these happen, all you need to do is to remain calm and hope for the best to happen. I checked if the parachute behind me is still intact.



They started to scream at each other but I remained quiet while also being cautious and alerted at the same time. 

The aircraft started to make noises which means we are free-falling at a massive speed. I opened my eyes and my heart even increased in speed as I saw that we are going to crash in nowhere. There's no sign of trees and people. We're going to crash in the middle of the sea. 

The Remnant of the Past (GXG)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon