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Song after song, we danced and danced until some of her girlfriends pulled her away, making me see the group already found a table. I sighed and started heading towards it.

"Aww tired of dancing already?" Richard laughed. I laughed and sat down next to him.

"Yeah actually... You really can't do much of the heat that builds up in the tux"

"Haha very true. Sucks we have to wear these things"

"At least we look good in them"

"Hell yeah!" Me and Richard high fived. I heard Lucy giggled next to him. I turned to find her and Karen still having their own little conversation.

I smiled.

Suddenly the song changed to an up-beat one.

"Oh I love this song! Come dance with me!" Karen pulled Lucy to the dance floor. I looked to Richard. "But I thought she can't dance..." I raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled a bit and nodded towards them. I turned around to find both of them dancing really good.

Got no drink in my hand but I'm wasted

Getting drunk of the thought of you naked

The song was by Usher. Scream is what is was called.

"Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom. Do me a favor and if any guy gets near her, go and dance with her, eh?" he winked and left me at the table with Jacob.

"I don't know about you... But I think they want us to go over there" Jacob swallowed hard. I looked at Lucy.

She was dancing... I swear she was teasing me to come and dance with her.

And I'm trying, to fight it, to fight it

But you're so, magnetic, magnetic

Got one life, just live it, just live it

Now relax and get on your back

If you wanna scream, "Yeah!!"

I swallowed hard and looked away. "Keep it together, Alex. Control yourself!" I muttered to myself. I looked at Jacob to find him looking at me.

Fuck it.

We both nodded and got up; speed walking towards the girls before anyone tries to take them from us.

Slowly, I wrapped my hand around her waist and spun her to face me.


I smirked and started swaying her hips to the beat. She smiled back and started to dance with me.

The longer the song went, the closer our bodies became as one.

Jesus Lucy... Where in the hell did you learn to dance like this?

I heard her giggle as if she could read my mind. She quickly spun around so her back was facing me.

I smirked and pulled her against me; flipping her hair to the other side so I had full access to her delicious smell. I set my chin on her shoulder and sighed.

"Lucy..." I whispered in her ear. Again the beat picked up and we started to dance faster. Twists and twirls we did.

When it went slowed down, I dipped her slowly; feeling her leg raise up. I couldn't help but glide my hand on her soft skin.

"Lucy... "I whispered again. She was panting hard and turned to look at me. Slowly, I let go of her leg and started to raise us up.

"Alex..." she whispered back. The way she said my name sent electric shocks all over my body.

Yes... She's all mine...

Suddenly, I felt her smirk and slipped out of my arms. She winked and started to walk away; even before the song was over.

I growled under my breath and reached for her wrist. "Nuh uh... Not so fast" I whispered and spun her once more. I felt her smile and we started to dance more and more until the song finished.

We were both breathing heavy.

I turned to face her. "Lucy... I-I" I choked. I just couldn't tell her. She deserves better than me.

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