Make A Move

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My heart jumped and I swallowed hard. "Easy guys... So she went out with a guy. At least it was just one, right?" I played it cool while my brain turned.

What was that stupid move, Richard?! You're hitting on my woman!... Wait, I already have a woman. Fuck! I need to get Lucy out of my head. I like Jessica. I like Jessica. I like...


She raised her somewhat flushed face to look at me. "Yeah... It was just one date" she smiled and giggled, sending another shiver up my spine.

"Hmm... You said you also went out with him to get your mind off of someone, who was it?" Richard asked smiling.

"Was it your "friend" that lives in Murray?" Jacob smirked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say it like that?" I asked him.

"For the last time, he's JUST a friend, not a friend with benefit, Jacob" she laughed. I bit my lip and looked down.

"Mmhmm... Sure" he replied.

All three of them laughed while Lucy shook her head. "Ehh... nothing to worry about now" she smiled. Richard gave her a look that I knew too well, the one where he's started to get interest in someone. "Anyways, can we get back to the story?" Daniel finally spoke. Lucy laughed once more and nodded.

"Okay okay" she flashed a smile at Daniel and continued telling the story.

My brain was racing too much for me to follow.

Okay so Richard is starting to like Lucy, and I think she already does. But I mean it's not like they're going to get together .Then again, neither of the guys knew that me and Lucy had a thing... Wait, why am I freaking about this?! I have Jessica! A good girlfriend that anyone could ask for! She's smart, pretty, funny, and has amazing curves... Yet...

"Alex?" I heard my name being called. I snapped out to find out it was Lucy's voice.


She giggled. "I just asked if you wanted something to drink"

"U-Uh... Just water?" I stuttered. She smiled kindly and nodded before walking into my house. Suddenly, Richard stood up and took a deep breath.

"Alright Jacob...Daniel... Wish me luck" he smiled and followed after Lucy.

I shook my head in confusion and looked at them. "What the hell is he talking about?" I asked them. Jacob chuckled before he answered.

"He's going to ask Lucy out"

"Yeah! I think they would make a good couple" Daniel asked. I slumped in my chair and swallow to wet my sudden dry throat.

"Don't you think?" my little brother asked me. I looked at the direction both people went to.


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