The Double Date

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Too soon, we were parked in Jessica's driveway. I got out of the car and started to walk towards her front door. Right when I was raising my hand to knock, she opened the door to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'll be back soon mom!" she yelled out as she shut the door. I smiled a bit as I took sight on what she was wearing. She was wearing her black and white tights with a black shirt and her boots. Her hair was curled and was wearing just the right amount of makeup.

She was pretty.

I took her hand and lead her towards the back of the car.

"Where is she?" she whispered in my ear as Richard started the car once more. "We're going to go pick her up right now" I told her. She smiled a bit and nodded, putting a hand on my lap.

"At least we had some alone time for a little while" she winked, my throat getting dry. "Take it easy back there lovebirds. I'm still here" I heard Richard chuckle.

'Y-Yeah Jessica... We gotta take it easy" I said. She pouted.

Finally, we reached Lucy's house, noticing a car already in the driveway. I raised an eyebrow. "She already has company?" I asked Richard. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll ask her" he smiled as he got out the car. When he was out of sight, Jessica started nibbling on my neck, making me shiver.

"Come on... Just a little?" she asked. I swallowed hard as I pushed her off gently. "We can't Jessica...They are coming back anyways" I blurted out.

She turned her head to look at the window.

"No they're not... In fact, it looks like Richard is talking to another guy. Ohh! Maybe Lucy's a cheater!" she yelled. I widen my eyes and also looked out the window.

She was right.

Then, Lucy came out; making me see her outfit that she chose for the night.

She was wearing jeans.

Bright blue jeans with a red tank top. On top of her head, she was wearing a black beanie, making her blood red hair stand out. Lastly, I notice that she was wearing flats.

I chuckled to myself, knowing that's how fancy she will ever get to a thing like this.

But... Either way, she was beautiful... So beautiful it took my breath away.

Finally, Lucy waved off the older guy and took Richard's hand while they walked back to the car.

I felt my hands grip tight into fists. "After you" Richard opened the door for her as she got in the passenger seat next to him. I heard her giggle that send a shiver up my spine.

She spins around and flashed a smile at both of us. "Hey guys!" she giggled, turning her attention once more to Richard as he sat back in his seat. "Ready?" he asked us.

"Who was that?" I asked her before I could keep my mouth shut.

"Yeah... Lucy" Jessica smiled a bit. She turned her head once more and smiled bigger.

"My aunt's boyfriend actually... He came to visit her before he went to work" she giggled once more. I smiled and nodded.

"That's nice" I told her. She nodded and turned back to the front. The whole car ride was quiet except for Lucy's giggles and Richard's whispers.

"Honey, are you okay?" Jessica put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah... I'm okay".

In an instance, we were in the movie theater; Richard buying the tickets while holding Lucy's hand. "Okay... We got about an hour before the movies starts... What do you guys want to do?" Richard asked us.

"Shopping!" Jessica yelled excitedly. Lucy giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "Sure! Why not?".

I turned to Jessica and took her hand. "Lead the way" I told her. She kissed me on the lips before literally pulling me in every store you can think of, Richard and Lucy following right behind. Finally, when we reached the store Hot Topic, Lucy actually looked interested.

"Ooo! What about this, honey? Do you think it would look great with my eyes?" Jessica asked me, showing me a pair of earrings.

"Yeah yeah... Sure" I nodded and kept my eyes on Lucy, aching to see what she's into. I saw her pick up this bracelet that I couldn't quite see what is was, but I did see how much she wanted it.

However, I also saw her put it down before Richard came to her side, smiling.

"Baby!" I heard Jessica yell. I snapped my head to see her, fuming in flames.

"Are you paying attention to me?!"

"Y-Yes of course" I lied. She sighed and held out two pairs of earrings.

"Which one should I get?" she asked. I really couldn't care less, so I pointed to the ones shaped like owls.

"Those" I stated. "No no... You should get the penguin ones... It matches with your eyes" I heard Lucy come up with Richard; hand in hand.

I felt my hands form into fists once more.

"I thank you Lucy but I trust my boyfriend's taste in fashion" she flipped her hair and went to the back of the store. She shrugged her shoulders and whispered to Richard.

He then nodded and looked at me. "Hey.. We're going to Barnes and Noble; Lucy wants to buy one of the books she's been wanting" Richard smiled and started to walk before my hand shot up.

"Can me and Lucy go instead?" I blurted before I could process what the hell just happened.

Richard raised an eyebrow.

"And why do you want to go?"

"B-Because I really need a coffee... and I gotta get a book too" I lied.

I could feel my face heat up as they both continued to stare at me. Finally, Richard replied back.

"Yeah sure... Just give me some money so your girlfriend can pay for her shit" he laughed. I nodded and handed him a twenty before following Lucy out the door.

"Really? You need a book?"

"Nah not really... Do need that coffee however" I smiled. She laughed and walked on. "Oh Alex... You haven't changed at all".

You have no idea how much you've changed me...

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