Too Much Affection

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"Okay!" she chirped. Too soon, we reached her house. "Be right back" Richard smiled before leading Lucy out of the car and walking her to the front door. I quickly climbed in the front and faced away from their window.

I didn't dare look.

A few minutes passed before the door opened and Richard climbed in. "Ready to go home?" he smiled and started to drive again.

More than anything...

The next thing I knew, it was Saturday night.

"Move, dude!" my little brother yelled at me. I chuckled and got out of the bathroom. "Now now boys, don't fight over the bathroom mirror like a bunch of girls!" Jacob laughed. I punched his shoulder and smiled.

"Oh shut up... Hey when are you going to pick up...?"

"Karen? In a little bit. Why?"

"Oh just a question" I nodded and quickly walked to the living room. "Oh Alex! You look handsome" my mom smiled. I smiled back and held up the untied tie in front of her.

"A little help, please?" I asked her. She laughed and took it from my hands. "When are you going to learn to tie a tie?" she shook her head. I laughed.

"Not sure... One day though" I told her. She smiled and looked at me.


"Yes mom?"

"Whatever happens tonight, just do what will make you happy" she simply stated. I raised an eyebrow. "Mom?".

She smiled and fixed my jacket. "That's all I'm saying" she shrugged and went behind me to help my little brother in his pjs.

Whatever will make me happy... Does she know?

"Yo, dude!"

I turned around to find Jacob holding the keys. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'm going to go pick up Karen now; you want to go pick up Jessica?" he raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to Richard?"

"I'm here! Just taking me a bit to put on my tux! You guys go on ahead! I'll go and pick up Lucy in a second" we heard Richard. I nodded and shouted back. "Alright! Good luck with Daniel!"

"I heard that!!"

I chuckled and headed towards the car; Jacob in front of me. "Can't believe that we have to wear these stupid tuxes to this stupid dance" Jacob muttered. I laughed. "First of all, we look awesome in tuxes. And second of all, it's a dance, what do you expect?" I buckled up.

"True...Karen and then Jessica, okay?" he chuckled and started the car. I nodded and sighed.

I wonder how Lucy is going to dress...

Before we knew it, we had both girls in the back; Jessica complaining how her dress isn't right while Karen was silent as an ant.

"Oh are you sure I look okay? I mean, it doesn't feel right and-"

"Honey... For the last time, the dress is fine and you look great, okay?" I turned around to face her. She was wearing a tight black fitting dress that goes a bit above her thighs. Her hair was in curls and wearing, again the just right amount of makeup.

She was beautiful.

"Okay... Sorry that I kept rambling on, sweetie" she smiled. I smiled back and nodded. "It's okay" I turned to face the front once more. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob mouthed, "Thank you sweet Jesus".

It took everything in me to not burst out laughing.

Finally, when we reached my house, we saw the car gone.

"Richard went to pick up Lucy" Jacob nodded and parked. We all got out and went inside to wait for the last two people.

"Hey mom! We're home" I yelled. She came out from the living room and smiled. "My... You are all looking rather handsome and pretty" she smiled.

"Thank you, madam" I heard Karen said softly. My mother smiled bigger and went back to the living room. "You guys want something to drink?" I asked the girls. Both of them shook their heads.

"No I'm fine thank you" Karen replied and went to talk with Jacob.

"I'm fine sweetie... Just want to go dance!" Jessica kissed me sweetly.

I let her as I tried one last time to feel anything.

"Hey guys! Too much public affection!"I heard a voice called out. I broke the kiss to find Richard standing in the doorway; holding Lucy's hand.

She was looking down; refusing to look at us. "Hehe... My bad Richard" Jessica replied to him. He smiled and signaled for us to come outside.

"Limo's here" he simply said and walked out. We all followed him to find a Hummer Limo walking for us in front of my house.

Richard turned around and opened the door. "Well don't just stand there, get in!" he said. I heard Jacob and Karen laugh and went in first. "Come on baby! Let's go!" Jessica pulled me to the door. I let her go first.

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