A Moment To Themselves

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When we reached inside the store, Lucy practically ran towards the aisles of the books. "Lucy! Wait up!" I yelled; catching up to her.

"McGuire... McGuire... Where are you" she muttered. I raised an eyebrow. "What are you looking for?" I asked her. She flashed a smile at me before continuing her search.

"Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire...Maddie told me it was awesome" she smiled as her fingers flowed from the spine of the books.

I swallowed hard and nodded. "What is it about?" following her as she changed aisles.

"Well, I've only read the first one, but it's basically this bad boy who falls completely head over heels for a good girl and their troubles together" she smiled bigger.

She pulled out a medium size book with a guy's arm with a butterfly on him on the cover.

"The second one is based on the guy's perspective"

"Wait... Then basically, you already know what happens?"

"Well, the big plots, but I've always wanted to be in some guy's mind about the things he goes through"

"... And what does he go through?"

"Well... The death of his mother, how he was such a player until he met her and he changed, feeling like he wasn't good enough, jealous to core since at a time, he was friend-zoned and she dated this other guy and- hey wait! I'm practically telling you the whole story!" she gasped and punched me.

I laughed by how weak it was.

"Ahh... Your punches still have no affect on me" I told her; smiling bigger when she pouted.

Just everything about you does.

"You still suck" she stuck out her tongue. I chuckled once more and took the book from her. "Well, if I paid for this, would you be able to forgive me?" I asked her.

She made a 'hmm' sound before opening her sweet perky lips.

What the hell?

"Only if you buy me coffee too" she giggled. I laughed and nodded as we headed towards the cashier.

"Would that be all?" the guy asked me. I nodded and paid; handing the bag to Lucy. "Here is your change... Have a nice day, you two!" he called out.

A few minutes later, I was ordering 3 coffees since I know that Richard doesn't drink and Jessica loves coffee. I sat down in front of Lucy; fascinated by how quick she got into the book.

"Hehe... Already? You know, we are on a double date".

She sighed and put her book away. "Sorry... I just love books. I can just practically live here!" she raised her arms. I smiled to myself, standing up to get our coffees.

By the time I got back, she had her nose in the book once more.

I snatched it from her grasp; receiving a sharp gasp and pout from her.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"You'll get it back after the date"

"But Richard isn't here"

"Well, I am" I smirked. She widens her eyes and looked down; seeing a blush developed.

Wait, a blush? That can't be right...

"There you guys are!" I heard Richard's voice. We both turned around to find him and Jessica; both walking towards us. She smiled and scooted down so he could sit next to her.

"So... What did you get?" Lucy asked him. He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing actually... Didn't see anything good" he wrapped an arm around her.

I felt my blood began to boil.

"Do you want to see what I got, honey?" I heard Jessica sit next to me, already putting out all the stuff that my money bought her. "I got the earrings that you told me I should get, oh! And another scarf with this beanie-" she paused as she pulled them out.

After, she looked at me so I could say something. I swallowed and nodded. "Err... Nice choice" I said and handed her the coffee.

"Yummy! Coffee!" she squealed as she sipped. I turned around to find Richard taking a sip as well. I widen my eyes.

"Whoa Richard!"


"... You're drinking coffee" I told him. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Lucy offered and I felt bad for saying no so I did. Hers is actually pretty good, if I might say" he squeezed her shoulders.

Don't punch him. Don't kill him. Don't lose control.

"So, what book did you get?" he asked Lucy, in which she pouted and turned to me. "I would be gladly to show you but Alex here said he won't give it back until the date is over"

"Let me guess... You were reading it already?"

"... Maybe" she blushed and looked down. He chuckled and took out his hand. "Here Alex... I got it" he smiled.

My grip on the book tightens.

Why don't I want to give the book? I-It's just a stupid book... A book that me and Lucy are connected by...

I swallowed hard and nodded as I handed it to him. He looked on the back and raised an eyebrow. "Is this the book that you told me about the good girl and the bad boy?"

"Yes, and yes it's the second one that I told you about also"

He smiled. "You promise to wait until you get home to read it?" he asked her. She pouted and crossed her arms. "Why?".

He leaned into her ear and whispered something that made her face blushed. I felt my body tense once more.

"Okay okay fine!" she snatched the book and put the book back in the bag. Richard started to laugh and kissed her forehead. I stood up and tried to control my breathing.

"Baby?" I heard Jessica. I smiled a bit and shot out my hand. "Come on guys... We should head back... The line for popcorn will get bigger".

Everyone nodded and started walking back to the theater; too lost in my thoughts.

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