She's Back

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Alex's Perspective

"I had fun today" my girl, Jessica told me as I drove into my driveway. I smiled and nodded. "I did too" was all I replied. We got out of the car and she slid her hand in mine. I shivered by how sudden she was and I faced her.

"You know... You didn't have to bring me to your house..." she said as she leaned in. I swallowed hard, noticing my nerves at the moment.

Suddenly, a familiar laugh broke the moment. She raised an eyebrow. "You were expecting company?" I heard her tone change. I shook my head and started heading to the backyard. "No..." I replied and turned the corner.

Jacob, Richard, my brother, and a red-haired girl who had her back faced me were sitting around the campfire.

"-and then when we told her that they was no more seagulls and she came out... not five minutes later, she got pooped again!" the red-haired laughed, the guys joining her.

I know that laugh, I thought to myself.

"Oh man! That was a great story! You got anymore?!" my brother asked her, still laughing. I saw her shrug and nodded slowly. "A couple more... If you guys are up for it!" she laughed once more.

"Do something!" Jessica angrily whispered in my ear and shoved my arm slightly. I swallowed again and walked closer to them.

"Guys! What the hell?!" I yelled, making them jump.

"Holy shit, Alex! Make some noise before you come in or something!" Jacob smiled. "Look dude, we wanted to hang out-" Richard paused. I felt Jessica come behind me.

"-and we now can see you were busy, but anyways, we wanted to hang so it was just me and Jacob, then your bro came from soccer practice and we really got bored so we called Lucy and now here we are!" Richard looked at the red-haired.

I widen my eyes.


Suddenly, the red-haired turned so I can see the familiar face.


"Hello Alex..." she smiled. I felt Jessica tense and laced her fingers with mine.

"What is she doing here?" Jessica angrily whispered in my ear.

"Hello Jessica..."

"Whatever" she replied. Lucy shrugged and turned back to the guys. "Do you guys wanna hear about the time where my dad cried for a car?" I felt her smile and they all nodded eagerly.

"Hell yeah!" they all replied back.

"Alex, if she doesn't leave, I will" Jessica stated. I widen my eyes and looked at her. She raised an eyebrow. I sighed and looked at the back of Lucy's blood red hair.


She turned her head to look in my eyes. "Let me guess... I have to leave..?" she sighed and she stood up. I nodded.

"Yeah..." was all I could reply.

She shrugged. "It's fine. I don't mind. I knew it was going to happen" she smiled. I looked at her and noticed her appearance has changed since the last time I saw her.

She was more fit... and curvy. Her hair, of course, has changed and her skin has gotten a fair tan.

She has gotten more beautiful.

I smiled at the thought.

She started to walk away before Richard stood up. "No! Lucy! Come and sit back down! Alex! You can't tell her what to do"

"Yes he can because it's his house"

"So? He didn't invite her... We did" he raised an eyebrow at Jessica. I heard her growl softly and broke her grip from my hand. "Fine! She stays! But I'm leaving!" she stormed out.

"Jessica wait!" I called after her. By the time I reached the front of my house, she was already down the block. I sighed heavily and stormed back.

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