Chapter CXXIV

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"High Command just sent us a mission," Ahsoka said the next morning as everyone but Vader gathered for breakfast.

"Great, where to?" Luna asked, thankful for even a glimmer of possibility to leave the planet, even if it was guaranteed a certain Sith would likely trail her.


Luna paused at the words, surprised. It had been quite awhile since she had last thought of the planet, there had been no true action there since the Shu-Torun War. Vader had Luna assigned Trios and her people the task of mining the remnants of Jedha a couple years after the Battle of Yavin at the Emperor's behest after a different planet's government had failed due to behind the scenes work. Supposedly they wanted to leak information to create a trap and bring the Rebellion to its knees, but all it ended up doing was tick Vader off considering Luke and Leia had nearly gotten themselves killed during the incident. Anyone who had survived the Sith's wraith had then faced the wrath of Leia.

Bottom line, the Sith Lord had given the responsibility to a more trusted vassel.

"I've never heard of that planet," Luke commented. "What's it like?"

"An aristocratic Mustifar underground," Luna answered. "Why Shu-Torun? Last I checked, there wasn't anything of interest to anyone on that planet besides the ore and minerals. Why is the Rebellion interested now? They aren't building things like the Empire is."

"Apparently there's a newly built secret facility for the Emperor's Hands on the planet. It's working as a key base for them in the Mid Rim," Ahsoka answered. "It's also rumored Eclipse has ties?"

"The Queen was more comfortable with my presence than with Vader's," the ex-Shadow answered. "Most are, the presence of Eclipse was always preferred over Vader.... Though she did invite me to a handful of grand celebrations as the Empire's Princess."

"What were they like?" Luke asked.

"Don't know, never went. Anyway, Queen Trios is loyal to the Empire. Her family was killed off just before she was crowned. The Empire then assisted with putting down a rebellion from the Ore Dukes to bring the planet in line. I find it doubtful any ties or lack thereof would assist our cause."

"Why were they killed off? Assasination?" Padmé asked. Luna looked at the woman for several moments, questioning if she really needed to explain.

"Vader sent me to deliver a message to the royal family of Shu-Torun on his behalf. They had secretly planned to assassinate him, and didn't halt their plan when they realized I had come in his stead," Luna explained, voice calm even as Padmé's face began to pale. "Thankfully, Vader had planned for such an occasion and arranged for the royal family to be killed off. Trios was the child chosen to be sacrificed in order to kill me, and she was therefore the only survivor. She holds nothing but an illusion of power and knows it."

"You killed off her family and crowned her?" Ahsoka asked, sounding in equal parts amazed and horrified.

"Technically, the droids did the killing. Besides that I literally just did what Vader would have done in my place.... Well, except take Trios's hand, he cut it off in the comics."

"But would she perhaps be more loyal to you and Vader rather than the Empire since you raised her to that position?" Luke asked with a frown.

"She was easy to manipulate in the beginning because of that, though I don't think she'd be so now," Luna answered. "Why?"

"We could try to recruit the planet," Padmé said, apparently thinking along the same train of thought as her son.

"....Did you not hear what I said? Trios has no real power, it all comes from the Empire."

"It's an illusion only because she is the Empire's slave. You cut those bonds, she is still the Queen and has the power of one. Her people are the ones who have given her power over the planet, not the Empire."

"Perhaps that's how it used to work, but I don't think—"

"Is there a garrison or other Imperial presence on this planet besides the secret base?" Ahsoka questioned.

"....No, after the war a single captain was stationed on the planet. There haven't been any problems since."

"Which means she is capable of ruling without the Empire's support."

"I suppose," Luna allowed. "But she knows the Empire's power, she would never join us."

"She may for her people's sake," Padmé commented. "A Queen's duty is to her people, and if she could free them from the Empire...."

"I have the Empire's yoke around my neck. For my people's sake, I wear it...." Luna recalled Trios saying to Vader years ago.

"I suppose it's possible," the ex-Shadow allowed, "but I'm not certain I'd trust it. How is she to be certain that freeing herself from the Empire's hold will be better for her people if she's been able to keep them happy as it is? Besides, were we directed to recruit the planet?"

"....No, but we are directed to get some form of access to the supplies the planet provides to the Empire. It could help bolster the fleet."

"That's nearly impossible to do without known contacts or sympathizers," Luke stated. "Mon's probably banking on your relationship with Trios."

"My nonexistent relationship with Trios," Luna sighed. "Talk to Vader about it. He's the one who directed the dealings with Shu-Torun's government."


"An attack may be rather difficult depending upon the terrain," Vader said, thinking aloud as he looked at the description of the secret base. It was situated rather deeply within the planet, meaning that even getting there could be incredibly difficult and hazardous. While he'd been there before, the land could quite easily be unstable, not to mention it would be better to find a new entrance to launch an attack. "We'll need more information before we can act. Best place to find such files would likely be the Shu-Torun Royal Palace."

"Speaking of the palace, Mon's hinted at the fact she'd like to recruit Shu-Torun to the Rebellion," Ahsoka commented. Vader frowned at the words. He supposed it could be possible, they'd attempted rebellion once independently, though he and Luna had put it down. But if they supported it.... Trios was a smart girl and had been rather eager to please the Dark Lord the last time they spoke. She knew power when she saw it and had chosen his side rather than Cylo's during the war. That said, the Sith hadn't dealt with Shu-Torun's Queen personally in years. His apprentice had always delegated those tasks to herself.

"An attack I can plan, but not recruitment. Talk to Luna."




"Vader says it's your job."

"Oh, come on!"

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