Chapter IX

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Ahsoka was hardly surprised when within moments of her first flight over the base, blaster turrets began to fire at her. What she was surprised to find where the Force knew how many stormtroopers gathered on one of the landing pads.

What she was shocked to see was what looked like a single girl dressed in black carrying the oddest lightsaber Ahsoka had ever seen taking on said troopers.

No way.... That couldn't be Tia....

But it was. Ahsoka couldn't believe it, but that was her friend's Force presence, which, now that it wasn't being fully blocked off and hidden, was obviously the presence of a Force sensitive.

In her shock, Ahsoka failed to notice the fact TIEs had been deployed and just barely managed to dodge a blast at the last second thanks to both a warning in the Force and assistance from Kaytee.

Now was not the time to try and figure out what was going on, now was the time to fight.

Ahsoka did a tight barrel roll and flipped over the fighter, as she turned the ship around and shot at the TIEs that were now in front of her, causing them to scatter.


Vader finally made it to the Imperial base to find marginally organized chaos, the first of which he noticed was a Delta-7 fighter taking on over a dozen TIEs alone.

A recognizable Delta-7 fighter.

Cautiously, Vader reached out with the Force. The presence he had expected to find wasn't flying the fighter, surprisingly enough, but was instead on the ground.

However, that didn't matter much because it boiled down to one thing.

Luna was here.

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