Chapter XCIX

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"Are you sure she is somewhere around here?" Vader asked.

"As sure as I can be. Kaytee said that Luna was captured in this area several hours ago. I find it doubtful they would have already moved her off world," Ahsoka replied, gesturing to an area on the holo map. "I'm running Luna's Imperial bases diagnostics now. Hopefully, it'll come up with something."

"No need," Vader muttered, enlarging part of the holo, seeming to have noticed something in the data the Grey Jedi had missed. "I believe there is a high security secret base here."

"A high security base?" Ahsoka asked, her eyes widening. "How did we miss that?"

"It has the small tells of the newer bases the Empire was developing in secret. Luna has always tended to be more up to date on the developing superweapons and starships rather than the new security that was being put into the more permanent base designs. It must be rather new considering I don't remember Corellia being a planet selected for any of them, but old enough to have been established before the two of you arrived on this planet. Luna would have noticed one being built had it not been finished."

"And how do you suppose we get in? Walk through the front door and ask nicely?"

Vader crossed his arms and watched her, waiting. An understanding look crossed her face.

"You actually want to do that?"

"I will be going through the front to draw their attention. They will be expecting me, as far as the Imperials are concerned, Luna and I never parted ways. What they won't be expecting is for someone else to sneak in and free her, let alone someone of your abilities."

Ahsoka sighed, not bothering to waste time arguing. It'd likely be pointless anyways considering the Sith's mind seemed to be made up. To be honest, she'd participated in even more risky jail breaks while working solo in early years, so all in all it wasn't all that crazy of an idea. "You'd better know what you're doing."

"I have stormed many a base, just because it's Imperial makes no difference."


Luna watched as the interrogation droids floated around her, one pausing to inject her with some sort of unknown substance. The main interrogator was silent, not that she wanted him to speak. The ex-Shadow knew the proceedings well enough and didn't need him to explain what was happening, assuming the liquid was what she thought it was. It only took a few moments for her to determine that she was correct.

The serum had actually been developed by Vader himself. It had been especially made for interrogations and increased any pain one felt to a tenfold, if not more, while also ensuring the subject remained well aware long after they would have otherwise passed out from the agony. The bonds that had Luna strapped to the table were already beginning to feel like icy knives on her skin while the blast wounds she had managed to ignore so far were beginning to burn and pulse with a new found fury.

Well, this would prove to be....interesting, for lack of a better word, without the Force.

"I'm sure you know what we injected you with based on the effects. How many people have you watched struggle after being subjected to it? How many have you killed after tourchering them rulessly?" the man asked.

Had Luna been connected to the Force, she would have picked at the man's mind. It seemed as though he had a personal grudge against her for some reason. The ex-Shadow had admittedly never used the serum in her own interrogations; although, she had watched Vader make use of it plenty of times (had used a double dosage on herself on the Death Star to make sure the expected amount would disappear with the two pretend interrogations as a matter of fact, hence why Luna had immediately recognized the effects). As for torture, her hands weren't the cleanest but they weren't the dirtiest either.

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