Chapter XXII

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There were screams of terror as staff and customers alike ducked for cover as the lights turned off and barely existent emergency lights took their place. Those on the stage had the most difficulty, a few actually falling off the platform.

Luna had no such problems, quickly ducking into the shadows.

Han and Lando turned over a table for cover as the men began to fire at everyone, not even fully targeting the two rebels and likely after witnesses.

Luna grabbed her cloak, putting it on to cover herself and hide her face before stepping out into the range of fire, her currently blue colored lightsaber drawing the attention of the entire room.

"Kill the Jedi!!" someone yelled.

And all the laser fire was then focused on Luna.


Han had seen Force sensitives fight a hell lot more than most other people residing in the galaxy, even in the dark, where the only light to be seen was the lightsaber and lasers.

And yet, he never could get over how equally terrifying and beautiful it was. In all honesty, watching anyone who knew what they were doing could do the same thing, but the darkness just added to the entire experience, as did Luna's color changing lightsaber.

Which is why he had to shake himself, and then Lando, out of amazement before they hightailed it out of the club, Artoo right behind them.

"You sure we shouldn't have tried to help the Jedi?" Lando asked. "Or recruit her?"

"Positive," Han replied. "Been there. Tried that. The answer was a very big no."

"I don't think I'd call what you've tried as recruiting," a voice said, causing Lando to draw his blaster and point it into the shadows. Han glared after the initial surprise.

"How are you already out here?" Han asked as Luna walked into the light. Her hood was down and a cloak was wrapped tightly around her body.

"Does it matter?" she asked. "I'm assuming you didn't get anything."

"No, but I would love to get your name, beautiful," Lando said, grinning as he took her hand and raised it to his lips as Han ran a hand through his hair, beginning to mentally prepare himself for Lando's funeral. First Leia, and now Luna. Vader was going to have his old friend's head. The Sith apprentice gave a seemingly friendly smile at the jester, but otherwise, her expression remained emotionless. "Han, why don't you introduce us?"

"Lando, this is Luna. Luna, Lando," Han said. Lando glanced at Han for a moment, no doubt recognizing the name from the time travel bonanza and already manatally drawing up the similarities in appearance.

"Luna, what a lovely name."

"Thank you," Luna replied curtly. "The two of you should get going. It was an Imperial trap, and there are sure to be more on the way."

"Why don't you come with us?" Lando asked, giving his award winning smile. "I'm sure you would be welcomed with open arms."

"I'll make sure you make it to your ship, but we will part ways after that," she said coolly. Han nodded knowing that any arguments would only get them down a Force user.

"Oh, let's see if I can change your mind," Lando responded. It may have been Han's imagination, but it looked like Luna's eyes had turned to ice for a moment.

Yes, Han needed to start planning Lando's funeral.

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