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And it was a.......

Trash can.

That was the only visible weapon that seemed productive to me.

I lifted it upwards my head and sent it crashing straight into a guy's head and he fell down with the garbage can resting on his head like a freaking crown.

That was funny AF. Lol.

And then all the limelight was on me. I looked around and saw a bunch of more trash cans and I smirked at the evil Idea I had.

I turned my gaze towards the other two guys and they were already charging towards me like a raging bull. The third one was captured by the middle aged Lady and she was literally beating the shit out of him with her kitten heels and the girl was resting her back on the wall.

At least she is safe now.

I immediately lifted up another trash can and rolled it towards them.
It had fruit waste and sadly the guys slipped over it and were soon sliding their butts off on the ground.

They went straight into the big garbage can and the girl chuckled a bit. I smiled at her and she gave me an ever so sweetest smile.

But the man from earlier was now free and was stomping towards me but it all got unnoticed as I was too busy in eye messaging that sweet girl.

She pointed out towards the man but I was slow and he punched me on my ribs making me to crouch down whilst holding on to my chest.

That Fucking shit hurts you moron.

But not soon enough I heard the police sirens and sighed in relief.

The so called guy tensed up and started to run away but I tackled him with my leg and he fell down.

This is the punishment you get you stupid piece of Junk.

He glared at me while groaning at the same time and pounced on me all of a sudden.

But before he could cause any further damage he was separated from me by the cops.

They helped me to stand up but there were only three cops.

They said that they have to take each of them and due to the night duty the other cops were busy in patrolling.

I nodded in response and soon I saw the figure of the police car disapear.

I turned towards the two ladies that had a thankful expression on their face.

"You are so brave sweetie. Thank you so much for saving us today. If it was not for you then we could __"

"Ahhh." suddenly the pregnant girl cried whilst holding her abdomen tightly.

"M-om it's - p-a-i-ning." she said in between her cries and her mother stared at her in horror.

"It's not time for your labor yet." she stated and fear was clearly visible in her voice.

"We should rush her to the hospital."
I said as I could tell that her condition was getting worse by every second.

"B-ut h-ow__"

"Mam it's not the right time to panic we have to rush her to the hospital or else she can loose her child." I said while trying to calm her down and she nodded her head vigorously.

"Mam do you have any transport?"

"We had a while ago but __" she stopped and started sobbing. I felt really sorry for her state.

"It's OK just keep on taking deep breaths and Mam massage her hands to keep her as relaxed as possible. I am finding a taxi so please stay strong." I said and went towards the road. It was still raining but it was really light.

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