47. „Okay."

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WARNING: This chapter includes masturbation. If you do not want to read this or if you are too young for it, please skip this chapter.


Eld looked over at Petra and Oluo, chewing. Neither touched their breakfast. He followed their gaze to the table where Hanji and Levi were sitting. Hanji had also not touched her bread or her potato. And Levi only plucked at his slice of bread. "Six days," Levi grumbled in his thoughts. "Six days without that brat. No cold feet that suddenly press against me at night. No toothpaste stains in the sink. No kisses. Not even a hug. How long will this go on?" Since Ayumi trained at night, the two had not seen each other. When she slept, he worked with his team and when she worked, he wrote reports or brooded in his armchair. Because when Ayumi wasn't there, Levi didn't enter the bedroom either. He didn't know where the current training schedule of all the teams was. He hadn't found it in Erwin's office. But somehow he didn't want to ask Erwin either. Relationships between soldiers were not forbidden. But it could bring a lot of difficulties: Squabbles in teams, loss of team cohesion, deaths. That's why Levi tried to delay talking to Erwin about the relationship between Ayumi and him as long as he could. "He probably already knows anyway." The grapevine had also reached Levi. Everyone knew that the Commander as well as the Vice-Commander attended Ayumi's trainings. "Why is he scrutinising her like this? Is he looking for a flaw to get rid of her?" He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even give Hanji a lecture on how unhygienic it was to lay one's head on the tabletop.

"Don't you think his look has been getting darker and darker over the last few days?," asked Gunther his friends and bit into his potato.

Petra nodded. "Is it because of us?," she asked contritely.

"You mean we don't live up to his expectations?," Oluo looked down at her.

"Mm. Wouldn't he have said something if he was so unhappy with us?," said Eld. "After all, he never stays quiet when he's pissed off. Not even with Petra."

His teammates nodded. Even the only girl in Levi's team was not safe from the brutal honesty of the Heichou. If Petra made mistakes, she had to face punishment like her teammates and practise her mistake until she mastered the technique.

"Or maybe he just doesn't like the fact that the Commander spends more time with the beginners than with his special team," Gunther mused aloud.

Oluo nodded. "Mmh. That is so weird."

The four comrades watched as Ron, followed by Louis, headed for Hanji's and Levi's table.

"Morning," Ron greeted them both in a friendly mood. But all he got from Hanji was a loud sigh and Levi didn't react at all. Louis glanced briefly at the dark-haired Heichou. He looked more fearsome than usual. And the bags under his eyes were blacker than the night too.

"Where is the pond?," asked Ron Levi as Louis began to eat his breakfast.

Expressionless, Levi looked up from his plucked bread.

"With the ducks," Ron added. "Or are you still going to eat that?"

While Levi just shook his head in annoyance, Hanji gave a short laugh.

"Phew. At least one of you is still alive," Ron commented on his comrade's reaction. "What's wrong?," he asked Hanji, gesturing Louis to get him some water.

Louis obeyed. Since the fight with Jimmy, he had to follow Ron. He even slept in his room. The only thing the young soldier was spared was going to the toilet together. "Better not talk back." How many times had he said those words in his mind to himself over the past few days? The fear was too great that he would no longer have peace in the bathroom either if he questioned Ron's instructions. His older comrade was capable of anything.

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