44. "Situation report."

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"Ooh, you're here. And I thought I'd forgotten you outside the Wall Rose." Peter turned his head towards the window.

Ayumi frowned and pushed the door shut with her foot. In her hands she held the tray with Peter's and Steve's lunch.

"Thanks," Steve mumbled, chewing after biting into his slice of bread.

"Do you also have my lunch?" Ron lifted his head from the pillow.

"Why are you here too?," asked Ayumi, surprised. Her friend was lying on the bed next to Peter.

"Situation report," Ron replied, rubbing his aching hand. Ayumi had set Peter's food down on the side table. When the former Commander made no move to touch his lunch, Ron wanted to take it. But Peter did not want this either.

"Eating a comrade's food. Seriously?," Peter snarled at him.

"But it would be still in the family," Ron replied innocently and quickly grabbed the half slice of bread that Ayumi was offering him. She had packed her ration of bread from breakfast in her handkerchief and had taken it with her.

"Great family. One only comes because the beds here are more comfortable and the other one is just sitting here because he is no longer allowed to do his own research," grumbled Peter.

"What?," asked Ayumi in shock, looking at Steve.

Her friend nodded with a grim expression. "I'm still allowed to do research under Hanji. But currently I'm working here as a doctor and nurse for His Majesty." Steve took his potato and his chair and sat down with his friends. "And His Majesty is in a bad mood." Steve held his hand in front of his mouth. "Because he has to use the bedpan," he whispered.

"And because he's in a bad mood, I get the baby group?," Ayumi asked, going through the groups on the training schedule again.

"I told you it would be eye-catching," Steve said to Peter.

"I will still manage that easily," Peter replied.

"Presupposed she cooperates. I mean, there are a lot of night trainings," Ron added with a grin.

Peter watched Ayumi out of the corner of his eyes. Since she didn't understand Ron's innuendo, he grumbled: "You've been seen."

"Sneaking out of Levi's room early in the morning. Several times," Steve explained.

"By whom?," Ayumi asked, feeling how her cheeks were getting hot.

Ron raised his hand.

"What are you doing in the corridors so early?," she wanted to know.

"As a believer, I have to be on time for the morning service, don't I?"

"Where he's also been seen, by the way," Steve added, shoving the last bite of his potato into his mouth.

"We've been busted?," asked Ayumi in astonishment.

"Worse," Peter grumbled. "Jimmy wanted to know what Ron was always doing in civilian clothes. And Louis told me that he noticed that Mike spotted Ron going into the church followed by Jimmy."

"And so it's only a matter of time before Erwin asks Peter about what we are doing," Steve added. "But since we have nothing to hide regarding this mission, we'll tell Erwin the truth. And move on with a replacement group."

"And who will be in this replacement group?" Ayumi looked at Peter.

But he shrugged his shoulders. "Depends on how much Erwin gets involved." He considered. "Ron's out. Jimmy was in uniform. So he's out, too. Maybe Louis. Walter's also a possibility."

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now