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Lilith sat at the side of her bed in the old manor, her stomach tight with anxiety. The midday sun was cool and muted behind the vail of thin clouds. It had rained for days, this break in the downpour creating a silence that she was uncomfortable sitting in. Sam had been the only person she had seen since awakening a week ago. This left her to cultivate numerous questions as well as just as many assumptions. She couldn't quite remember the fight with the beast at the edge of the lake, but she knew for certain that she had killed it. The low static that had plagued her for months was now gone. She had also seen Olivier very clearly dead, but what had happened with Copia? She sighed, her mind struggling to pull any more memories from the murky fog that was that night.

A knock on the door made her heart jump and her breath pause. Without waiting for an answer, Samantha popped her head in. Her red hair was curled, gold laurels placed atop her head. She wore a flowing, floor length white dress made of chiffon and silk. Around her waist was a golden ribbon, the sheer sleeves cinching at her wrists.

"Hey Lilith, I got a package for you. For this evening is my guess." Sam pushed the door open as she spoke. She held a garment bag, a box, and a gift bag. Lilith chuckled at her friend as she juggled the items, making her way to the bed.

"Thanks Sam. Are they from Leviathan?" she scooted to the end of the bed, grabbing the gift bag.

"I actually don't know. There was no information on anything." Sam set the box and garment bag down, sitting on the bed with her friend. Opening the black gift bag, Lilith pulled out an envelope addressed to her. The handwriting was elaborate, the calligraphy reminding her of old handwritten books. She popped open the seal at the back and pulled a letter out.

"My dear Queen," she began to read, her stomach tightening at the words. Samantha ripped the letter from her hands, a grin on her face. "Hey!" Lilith exclaimed.

"I know you, you'll read who sent it after one line! You always spoil the end. I'll read it." Sam lifted her eyebrows and tilted her head. Lilith rolled her eyes and folded her arms but didn't bother arguing. Sam cleared her throat, flattening out the letter dramatically.

"My dear Queen, I will start this letter by saying I am unworthy of being your King." Sam read then gasped, looking over the top of the letter to her friend. Lilith's face fell, her tense stomach turning. "I vow to you that I will make it my life's mission to be the King you deserve. Never before, in all my years on this Earth, have I known a woman like you. So bewitched by you am I that I was blind to your love. And for that I will apologize with every breath." Sam paused, the grin on her face somehow widening. "I may not be as eloquent as Leviathan, nor as affable as Belial, but my love is deep and true. I wait for you with bated breath. Your King," Samantha paused again, looking up at Lilith. "Aamon." Sam squealed, her grin so huge it hurt Lilith's cheeks just looking at it.

"What!" Lilith grabbed the letter, skimming over it. Sure enough, at the bottom of the brief paragraph was Aamon in elegant cursive. "Wow..."

"It has been so hard not telling you!" Sam sang, giddy energy emanating from her.

"You knew? Samantha, how could you not tell me!" Lilith chided, a frown on her face.

"It was not my place to tell you. And with Leviathan and Aamon so busy with the clergy, I had to wait." Sam gave her a small smile. Lilith rolled her eyes, the tension in her stomach easing a bit. Opening the gift bag some more, she pulled out three smaller boxes. One was a wide, square box with a clasp at the side. The box itself was covered in green fabric with gold embossed details. With a small frown and pinched eyebrows, Lilith opened it. Inside was a diamond necklace. It was unlike any necklace she had ever seen let alone held. The necklace was more of a white gold collar with a large diamond set in the middle, the light refracting from the cushion cut stones. From the large, central diamond, four diamond petals extended, each petal made of small white glittering stones in bright white gold. Within the petals, 3 small, teardrop diamonds filled in the precious petal. At the tips of the four petals, bands of gold and diamonds made the band of the collar. Between the two bands that came together at the clasp, were tear drop cut diamonds placed in the white filigree. All together there had to be over 900 diamonds.

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