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Lilith sat tucked into the corner of the coffee shop that she frequented, sitting at a small table along the large windows. She sipped her iced coffee, the air conditioning providing relief from the hot day outside. Despite wearing shorts and a tank top, she was quick to overheat in this weather. Watching the movement of people on the street was not enough to distract her mind from the stressors that plagued her.

It had been a week since the party at the old house and she had not seen any of the men since. Her time was spent packing and working, both of which she didn't enjoy. However, she was excited to move to New York with Sam, a plan a year in the making. Sam would be going to grad school as well, Law school. Unlike Sam though, Lilith was dreading the return to school. The thought of it made her frown, her frustration increasing every day that passed. She also worried that the return of the Clergy in her life was the beginning of something she was trying to run from. Never were these encounters simple.

"So beautiful, yet so troubled." A voice lamented, snapping her out of her thoughts. Turning, she was greeted by joyful green eyes.

"Tobias." It was as if the universe was laughing at her, testing her resolve or coping, she wasn't sure which yet.

"Lilith." He smiled at her. She turned her focus back to the street.

"What can I do for you?" Lilith asked in a blasé, disinterested tone. She was sick of these men already.

"Many things my Queen." He leaned in with a grin. "However, I stopped by to congratulate you on the prophecy." Her eyes flicked back to his, his grin spreading across his smug face.

"What prophecy?" she asked in a low voice.

He clicked his tongue in disapproval. "I figured that the boys would have told you. The oracles have predicted that Asmodeus will raise again by the end of this year. A new King will be crowned. And you, his Queen." He said, sipping his coffee.

"Who are you Tobias? What is your position in the clergy?" Lilith snipped, tired of his games. His face fell slightly and he sat back in his chair.

"That is the question, isn't it?" he paused, taking another sip of his drink. "Asmodeus was my dear brother."

"Which king are you then, Tobias?" She pressed, no longer the naive girl he remembered.

"Satan." He said bluntly, waiting for her to throw him out or curse him. But instead, she gave him a quick once over.

"Hm. What do you really want?" she continued, seemingly unphased.

"I simply want you to return to the clergy. Just for a meeting." He held up a finger.

"Not a chance!" Lilith laughed. "You must be mad if you think I would willingly go back there." She swirled her coffee, the ice clicking together. "Though I think you always saw me as a fool, didn't you? Just as a gift for your brother? Well that didn't work out very well, did it." She hissed.

"No." he replied, suppressing his anger. "I can guarantee you that the ghouls will not relent, nor will the Clergy once a new King is crowned. I am asking you to do something that would benefit us both." His foot began to tap, his frustration with her getting the best of him.

"How would I benefit?" she asked, glancing out the window. She was becoming bored with him and his games. She ran the straw of her drink across her bottom lip, watching the flow of traffic move through the streets. He studied her face, the plumpness of her lips and the pink tinge in her cheeks. He could feel his mind lose focus as her presence drew him in. She looked back at him, her eyes catching the light, brightening their already emerald color. "Hello? What's wrong?"

"Lilith, you are a Queen but they are treating you like you're trash." He said with an urgency in his voice. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Save your flattery for someone who cares." She retorted.

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