Unfamiliar Realm

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Alpha pulled at the collar of his black button up shirt, loosening his tie a bit more. His blonde hair was lightly gelled, styled over to one side. He was not a fan of the Oregon weather, the constant damp conditions wearing on him.

“Why are you so fidgety?” Omega gave him a side eyed glance from the couch. “You’re making me nervous.” He laughed and finished tying his shoe.

“I’m not fidgeting. This fucking shirt is too tight.” Alpha chided, quick to correct his peer. But he was nervous, even if just slightly. He was only going to this because Lilith had asked him to. Otherwise, the thought of spending one of his few free nights with Belial and Leviathan was not normally an appealing proposition.

“Yeah, okay.” Omega grinned and stood, stretching his arms above his head. “Seir, let’s go!” He hollered, Air emerging from the hall moments later. Omega walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine, then turned and nodded to his peers. The trio left, appearing on the doorsteps to the old manor. Clearing his throat, Alpha knocked on the wooden door, noticing the wood looked surprisingly new compared to the old iron brackets. After a few moments, Lilith swung the door open, a smile on her face. Alpha’s heart jumped, his eyes looking over her figure. His vision became tinted red, recognizing the burnt orange dress in an instant.

“Come on in guys…” Lilith stepped aside to let them in. Walking past her, the scent of orchids and vanilla wafted from her, his mind slowing. Her presence was overwhelming, taking much of his focus to remain calm and in control. Alpha slowed his pace, Omega and Air walking past him and into the kitchen. Turning to her, Alpha watched her close the door, her long hair brushing her lower back.

“Quite the outfit Lilith.” He grinned. Her cheeks brightened and he relished in her reaction. After two years, he was still shocked that his words had such an impact on her.

“I thought of you.” Lilith cooed, and there it was. The burning for her made his abdomen tight, his red eyes focused only on her. Running her hands over her hips, she smiled.

“Did you now?” he closed the space between them, unable to resist the urge to hold her any longer. Sliding his arm around her waist, her warmth added to the burning in his loins.

“Always.” she sighed, her eyes looking up at him with an admiration he didn’t deserve. Her green irises were outlined with a thin red ring, confirming her desire for him.

“We will have to make a new memory with this dress I think.” He rasped, wanting to take her where they were. Lilith’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in for a kiss. Every touch, every movement left him in awe, wishing to linger longer every time.

“Lilith, the pies need whipped cream on them!” Belial’s irritating voice pulled her away, gutting Alpha. His lips turned down at the corners, cursing Belial’s name.

“Let’s join the party.” Lilith grabbed his hand and pulled him into the next room. He did love how small she was compared to him, her warm hand gripping his like she owned him. Once in the large, open room, she pulled away and joined Belial in the kitchen. Alpha stood and watched her for a moment, the way she moved with confidence and grace. He also couldn’t help but notice how Belial watched her too, his eyes longing and intense.

After some dull and polite conversation with Leviathan and Cain, Lilith called them to eat. Alpha had not celebrated many Thanksgivings, but he had always found it interesting that it was served so early. He assumed it was to provide ample time to socialize, something he wasn’t a huge fan of. This type of gathering felt too intimate and personal. Following the others into a formal dining room, he was taken back. Not just by how much work Lilith had put into it, but also by how happy Lilith looked. He was not blind to the toll that the move and the events leading up to it and since had impacted her. Sitting across from her, he took in her beauty. As the meal was served, she chuckled.

“Something funny, Lilith?” Leviathan smiled at her, his eyes deep and all-seeing as always.

“Well my family would normally say Grace, but I think we can skip that.” Lilith replied, her soft laugh filling the room.

“Good idea.” Alpha smirked, the idea of saying Grace humorous indeed. It occurred to him that he didn’t know whether Lilith’s family was religious.

“So, what are you up to these days, Aamon?” Belial’s eyes met his for a second before Belial looked away. Was this in reference to Copia because he certainly didn’t actually care to know. Alpha frowned.

“I have been overseeing the Oracles and working with Copia as an advisor.” Alpha brought his glass to his lips, her eyes drawn once again to Lilith. Every glance felt like the first, the reverence he held never wavering. Belial grunted in response but didn’t afford him any more than that. Alpha watched Lilith’s face fall, the shimmer in her eyes fade a bit as she looked down at her plate. Everyone continued to eat in silence.

“Are you looking forward to the Winter, Lilith?” Leviathan asked. He must have noticed the change in Lilith’s demeanor, but this was a topic that Alpha would have liked to avoid.

“Honestly? No.” her shoulders shrugged, her eyes paining him. He wanted so badly for her to be happy, to look forward to every day. “I fear that my fate has been decided. The New Year is in only 5 short weeks. I seem to be the least desirable Queen in the history of the clergy.” She continued, looking down at her plate. He noticed her cheeks become pink, her eyes widening slightly. Alpha glanced over at Air who eyed Lilith with concern as well. Alpha couldn’t imagine why she still felt so unwanted. She was still a hot topic of discussion in the clergy, nearly every eligible person wishing to have her hand but many fearful of Belial even after it was revealed that he had no claim to her. “But that’s fine! I will make do.”  She said as their eyes met, her lips turning up in a tight smile that fell short of her dull eyes. He forced himself to smile as well but looking at her was more than he could bare, averting his eyes soon after. Why does she feel like that? After all this time, she still doubts herself Alpha thought as he gathered a bite of food.

“Time will tell, Lilith.” Cain sung in his usual upbeat tone, but his words fell short.

“Yeah, unrelenting time.” Lilith rebuked, her eyebrows knitting slightly. The offence of time was clear by her reaction to it. “Sorry, I don’t mean to bring the mood down. Never talk about religion, politics, or relationships I guess!” Lilith and Sam both laughed, but it was clear that they wanted to conversation to move on. Leviathan noticed as well, a displeased look turning his face briefly.

“Well, the food is great Lilith, thank you for the meal. I can’t remember the last time I celebrated Thanksgiving.” Leviathan raised his glass of wine as he spoke, prompting the others to follow suit.

“Belial might have done more than me!” Lilith deflected, as she often did with compliments. She gently leaned into him, Belial smiling in response. Placing his hand on her shoulder, Alpha watched as Belial’s eyes work Lilith’s body over.

“Nonsense Lilith! I was only doing what I was told!” Belial replied, his hand moving to her upper back. Alpha tried to maintain an emotionless gaze, but he hated seeing him touch her. It could be anyone else, but not Belial. Her hand moved, Alpha assumed to Belial’s knee or thigh. He hated feeling so possessive and jealous, but he had never had anyone like Lilith in his life.

“Thank you both then.” A grin spread on Leviathan’s face as he spoke, his eyes glancing over to Alpha. Despite his uninterested demeanor, his body was stiff. “Orias, when did you last have a Thanksgiving?” Leviathan continued. Alpha assumed it was to hear his own voice.

“I’m not sure! Maybe in the 50s?” Omega laughed at the question however, being that they spent much of their free time in Sweden. Alpha listened to his peers talk, but he couldn’t turn his focus from Lilith’s mournful stare. She maintained her smile, but a storm raged behind her green eyes. As soon as her plate was cleared, she jumped up from the table, startling him.

“I’m going to set my plate in the kitchen. I will see you all in the living room.” Lilith maintained her plastered-on smile, avoiding Alpha’s gaze. With that, she quickly rushed out. He sighed, unsure if he should follow her. Even if he did, what would he say? It was clear to him that the reason she and Belial had grown close was thanks to their similar experiences. I am just not right for her he told himself yet again, a futile attempt to suppress his unyielding desire to be with her.

“Maybe I should go check on her.” Sam said meekly, her eyes down. Without another word, she quietly stood and walked out of the dining room. After a moment, Leviathan cleared his throat.

“We should join the ladies I think.” Leviathan said, standing from the table. His face was stern and aloof, just as Alpha had always seen him before Lilith.

As they made their way into the living room, Alpha caught sight of Lilith, his stomach turning. She was pale, her hands trembling and her eyes wide. Even with the grin on her face, she looked startled.

“Yeah, I’ll help you with the pies.” Samantha said in a calm, quiet tone. Maybe I’m seeing things he thought as he followed Omega to the couch nearest the kitchen. Though small gatherings were not his favorite, it was nice to be able to relax and catch up with Omega and Air. And to finally see Lilith outside of her bedroom was even better, though he felt out of the loop with her. The more time Copia was in charge, commanding Alpha around, the more time he lost with Lilith. And the closer she became to Belial, which was an added insult. Sam had joined them in the living room, looking at Omega with lustful eyes.

“Do you think Copia will ever get those pyrotechnics to work?” Omega asked, nudging Alpha, asking for his attention more than for a response.

“Not likely!” Alpha laughed, Omega joining him. “I will say though, as much as I don’t like the man, the music is good.” He shrugged, Omega nodding and sat back.

“When will you guys tour again?” Sam asked.

“At the beginning of the new year I’m guessing.” Omega shrugged.

The only part of touring that Alpha was excited for was the idea of having Lilith beside him nearly 24/7. It was then that he realized she was still in the kitchen. Turning his head slightly, he leaned back and called for her.

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