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The next day Lilith did her absolute best to avoid Mr. L and Cain. She finished cleaning quickly, leaving the rooms for Samantha to do. As she skipped down the stairs, there was a knock at the door. She froze, her stomach tensing momentarily before she realized it was her job to answer it. Descending the last few steps, she walked across the marble floor of the entry way and cracked the door open. A man stood on the step, a leather jacket on and bright green eyes shining.

"Jesus!" Lilith hissed, sliding out the door and closing it behind her.

"Not Jesus, Satan." He said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a terse tone, still holding the doorknob.

"What are you wearing?" he looked her over in amusement. Lilith looked down at her black dress and white apron, frowning.

"Why are you here, Satan?" she repeated, placing a hand on a cocked hip.

"Orias said you were staying here, nice dig." He looked up at the towering manor.

"Tobias! What do you want!" she hollered, stomping her foot. He looked back to her, chuckling.

"I came to see if you were free to go to a clergy meeting and maybe some training. Corson mentioned you might be interested." He finally said, looking over her outfit yet again. Lilith paused, her face falling into a blank stare.

"Training?" she asked and Satan shrugged.

"If we have time. The clergy meeting is first and it's one think you'll be interested in." he smiled and Lilith narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't particularly trust Satan, but no one had offered her any training or any involvement in the clergy at all. With a quick sigh, she nodded.

"Can I change?" Lilith reached back for the door as she asked. Satan snapped his fingers and a gentle breeze swept past, twirling around her body. Looking down, she saw that her simple black dress had been replaced with thick wool pants and black leather boots. Her top was made of connected leather straps, secured over a steel chest plate. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a red cape attached to an armor piece on her left shoulder. Her upper arms were bare, her forearms wrapped in leather guards.

"Will this work?" He asked but his tone was confident and pleased. Lilith ran her hands over the arm guards, not bothering a look up at him.

"Yeah, this'll work." She smiled. Without warning, he reached out and took her hand in his. They were then moved from the front steps of the Portland manor to what appeared to be an office building. There was a reception desk to the left of them, a young woman glancing up briefly before turning to her computer.

"Over here." Satan tugged her arm, guiding her through a lobby and to a set of doors. The other patrons within the completely normal office building were dressed in cloaks, black masks over their faces. She began to feel overdressed but wasn't able to fret on that fact for too long as Satan burst through the doors and into an old stone hall. The chatter within the room instantly fell to a hush as Satan and Lilith moved through the hall. The occupants, who all stood in front of chairs, wore the same masks and cloaks as she had seen in the lobby. At the head of the room that they were walking down was a throne, black and red and tall. It contrasted dramatically with the brightness of the space around it. Lilith also saw no other seat, wondering if he had intended on her sitting on him as opposed to with him.

"I am not sitting on your lap." Lilith whispered and Satan looked back at her with a smile.

"Of course not, my Queen." He breathed and snapped his fingers, a chair of equal size and identical color appearing beside his. He guided her to her seat and waved for her to settle in, which she did with a small frown. He, however, did not take his seat. He instead kneeled before her, his head bowed low and the occupants behind him followed suit, the muttering and whispering growing in intensity. Lilith sat bolt upright, not only taken back by what he was doing but also that he would do so before his own subjects.

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