Sweet Cream

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"I really hate that!" Sam yelled and staggered back, rubbing her eyes. Behind them, three more pillars of flame rose from the floor, the men joining them as they had promised. Lilith grumbled, quickly surveying her now drab and dingy feeling living room. It was empty, as she had anticipated. Seth would not be stupid enough to show up here.

"Sam and I are going to pack, we'll just stay in. You guys can go, nothing exciting here, I swear." She said causally, yawning as if she was bored already. Air let out a small laugh, both Alpha and Omega walking into the living room to make themselves comfortable.

"Sorry Lilith but that's not how this works. One of us must always be with you until this threat is mitigated." Air smiled. "I am sorry my dear." He added in that pacifying tone. Lilith glared at him, her most intense, don't piss me off glare. Air's smile widened and he rose his eyebrows with a small tilt of his head. It was a look of challenge, asking if Lilith really wanted to go there with him. She exhaled sharply through her nose, the corners of her lips turning down.

"I am going to pack my room, please do not interrupt me." She said tersely and turned, leaving the room to retreat to her sanctuary. Opening the door to the room, she braced herself for the scene she was about to walk into. The floors were clean though, the letter opener laying on her desk. After a moment of pause, she moved into the room, looking around, half expecting something to jump out at her. Taking the pewter blade into her hand, she smirked at the lightweight object, the tip bent and blunt. Become powerful Water's voice filled her mind, his urgent request quickening her heart. Gripping the handle, she swung the blade to the side, stabbing an imaginary enemy. With a quiet laugh, she tossed it onto her bed and turned to the rest of her room.

Much of her belongings were already sorted and packed, but she took the time to think about what this move home would be like. She would be able to see her family more, and maybe reconnect with friends. She would also have to navigate that life while dealing with the Clergy, somehow keeping them separated as best she could. And she would have to keep everyone safe from what followed her. But maybe if she became powerful, became the Queen she was being told she was, she could do that. She looked through her things for nearly two hours, stuffing the already full boxes to their maximum capacity. As she finished packing away the last of her non-essential things, her stomach rumbled, reminding her to eat something. Walking back down to the first floor to grab food, she was disappointed to see Air and Omega still lingering. "Where's Sam?" Lilith asked, passing them and heading into the kitchen.

"She left to pack as well. Don't worry about us though, we're fine here." Omega said, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"I wasn't worried." She replied from the kitchen. Walking back out with a banana, she leaned against the cased opening of the living room. She looked the two men over as she peeled the fruit. They were enthralling, their presence beckoning her to be with them. At first that tug was so powerful it made her nearly weep, the longing and the pull for them all she could think about when she saw them. Now she felt more controlled, but no less attracted to them. She smirked and took a bite of her fruit.

"What's so funny my Queen?" Air laced his fingers and placed them on his lap.

"I'm just trying to wrap my head around how this is my life. Two very attractive men, sitting in my living room. Not only that but they refuse to leave." She let her smile fall into a small frown, narrowing her eyes at them. "I just cannot understand it. Why me?".

"Why not you? I mean, the fact that we are able to maintain this much restraint is quite impressive." Air replied, causing Omega to smile. "No lesser Demon would be able to. They would be begging at your feet."

"Your restraint? What about me? My ability to resist you should be applauded!" she exclaimed; her brow furrowed.

"It should be, I agree. However, you clearly have yet to understand your pull Lilith. What a shame." Air sighed. "My dear Lilith, the smell of you alone makes it difficult to focus." He took in a deep breath.

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