Deal with the Devil

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Lilith woke early the next morning, her head splitting and her mouth dry. She moaned and rolled onto her back, begrudgingly opening her eyes. Looking over to see the time, she instead saw a man sitting in her reading chair next to her bookshelves. He wore a leather jacket, jeans, and black boots. His black hair was styled into a clean comb-over fade, his green eyes shining with joy. Lilith groaned and turned her back to him, wishing she hadn't woken up.

"Satan, go away." Lilith grumbled, pressing her face into her pillow to block out the light.

"Sorry, no can do. You promised me." He stood and walked to her bed, sitting on the edge. Placing his hand on her hip, he rolled her over. "Time to see the clergy." He said, his fingers lingering on her soft skin. She hadn't bothered to put pajamas on as was the case most nights during the summer. It was often too hot and most of the places she had stayed in didn't have central air. Seeing Alpha and Omega again had also made her uncomfortable and tense. She had released said tension herself after a boring and long conversation with Seth. Satan's eyes were drawn to her breasts, never before having seen so much of her.

"But I'm so hung over. Can't we do this another day?" she whimpered, pulling her blanket over herself. His hand moved across her lower abdomen, gripped her far hip and in one movement, pulled her off the bed and under his arm, her bottom facing his front. She let out a shocked scream, her head throbbing and her voice hoarse.

"Get dressed or we go like this." He said, firmly smacking her ass. She let out another cry, squirming and trying to cover herself. The door flung open, a naked Omega in the doorway. The two men meet eyes, a wide smile spreading across Satan's face, his hand still on Lilith's ass, caressing it. "Funny seeing you here Orias." Satan greeted.

"Ditto. What's going on here?" Omega said, not hiding his displeasure. He looked at the nearly naked woman under Satan's arm, his panic quickly turning to jealousy.

"He was just letting me the fuck go!" Lilith yelled, kicking her legs. Satan dropped her, Lilith falling onto her hands and knees. She stood and rubbed her temples. "Not surprised you stayed." She spat, glaring at Omega. Walking to her closet, she pulled out a simple black dress. Pulling open the top draw of the oak dresser in the closet, she pulled out panties, stockings and a bra. Then, pushing past the men and without another word, she walked across the hall into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Why are you here?" Omega looked back at Satan, his eyes narrowed.

"The same could be asked of you old friend. I am here to fulfill a promise I made." Satan replied casually, returning to the chair he started in.

"What promise?" Omega continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"A promise I made to my brother. Lilith will be the ruling queen, whether she wants to or not." Satan paused and looked the man over. "And why are you here?" He then asked with a smirk.

"Lilith's roommate was...lonely." Omega said with a hint of a smile.

"Oh, I see." Satan nodded and began to examine his nails. "Lilith seems very lonely herself. I could feel how wet she was through her panties." Satan crossed his legs, his gaze returning to Omega. "Her body quivered from a simple touch. Poor girl, being so underserved by her own demons." He grinned. Omega clenched his jaw, wanting to choose his words carefully. The conversation stopped as the door to the bathroom opened. Lilith walked out, dressed, hair up, and very light makeup applied. Walking into the room and opening the other side of the closet, she slipped on a pair of black heels. "Well, off to the Clergy we go." Satan said as he jumped up from the chair and walked to Lilith.

"The Clergy?" Omega exclaimed.

"Yes." Satan said with a lopsided smile. Giving Omega one last triumphant look, he pulled Lilith close to him and the pair were engulfed in a column of fire. Omega quickly walked back to Sam's bedroom and woke up Alpha.

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