The Waltz

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Leviathan was sitting in the living room when Lilith entered the kitchen. The amber fall sun sat low in the morning sky, dark ominous clouds just beyond the mountain range. The trees around the lake behind the manor had turned all shades of orange, yellow and red, mixing with tall dark green evergreens. A fire had already been started in the living room, the sound of crackling, burning wood filling the otherwise silent home. Lilith poured a bowl of cereal and stood at the kitchen island, eating absentmindedly. Leaning on the cold stone, she ate and looked out at the October morning. Belial had left at the end of September, Aamon only over a couple nights a week, if that. Omega and Air occupied the rest of her time, making an effort to fill the hole Alpha's absence had created. Still, this gave her more free time then she enjoyed having.

"Lilith dear, I have been meaning to speak with you about something." Leviathan suddenly spoke, standing from his chair. He wore slacks and a white button up shirt, a wine colored velvet blazer over it. His socked feet walked across the space between them until he was standing next to her. She watched him walk, his movements graceful and fluid.

"Did I do something wrong?" she fretted. She stood straight, swallowing hard as her mind tired to pick out what it could have been. He smiled and shook his head.

"You did nothing wrong. Belial will be back today. And tonight is a Ball that I wanted to discuss with you." He sat on a stool at the bar across from her.

"Okay..." she eyed him, causing him to smirk. A beautiful, sly smirk that made her belly warm.

"This applies to you for two reasons." He took in a breath, reading her unsaid question. "One, it was tense with Belial last time. I didn't want you caught off guard. Secondly, Cain, Belial, Satan and I think that, given what the Clergy thinks your relationship is with Belial, it might be best for you to attend the ball as his guest. If you agree that is." He gave her a lazy smile, his brows raised. Letting out a turs sigh, she took a bite of her breakfast, using the time to think.

"Why are you just now telling me this? I am really not a spontaneous person." She finally said, her face flat but her voice was annoyed.

"It slipped my mind, I apologize. But if you have other plans, I understand."

"I don't have any plans." She spat, nearly cutting him off. She was more annoyed at this fact then with the sudden invitation. "But I don't have anything to wear either." She glanced up from her cereal, his rich green eyes focused on her.

"That's okay, I can get you something to wear, I'm sure. Belial should be" Leviathan announced, the door bell echoing through the manor. A grin softened his regal face, his eyes sparkling with speckles of gold from the autumn light. Belial walked into the large, open space, his eyes falling on Lilith. It had been a tense few weeks before he had left, the urge to touch him growing stronger day by day. Despite the discomfort, she had also enjoyed his company immensely. She continued to eat, her cereal losing its integrity.

"Hi Lilith." Belial grinned, his eyes slowly looking her over, savoring their reunion. She wore a silk nightgown with a plush robe. Even with the fire, the manor was chilly in the morning. His eyes fell upon her breasts, the thin silk not hiding her pert nipples or the fullness of her bust. His grin fell as he turned his gaze out the window, running his thumb over his lower lip. The burning in his loins was so intense, he wasn't sure how he would withstand the agony of this stay with her.

"Hello Belial. It's really good to see you again." She smiled, keenly aware of his gaze's path over her figure. She took in all her favorite things about him as well. His tight pants, his leather jacket, his masculine jawline and furrowed brow. The bulge between his thighs... her cheeks colored as her eyes lingered. Leviathan sighed loudly, bringing Lilith back.

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