Sixth Sense

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Another week had passed and despite her hopes, Lilith had not had any further encounters with mysterious men. During the week she had moved in with Sam, which seemed to be the highlight of Sam's life. Lilith was happy about the move too, but between work and studies, she had little time to enjoy it. Seth had also demanded that she check in with him daily, which was clingy and possessive even for him. She now lived in a three-bedroom, two-bathroom townhouse that was a huge improvement to her previous living situation. And even with them planning another move in a month, the house was still well decorated and homey. Lilith's room was probably the messiest in the house, filled with things that she had insisted she needed during the one month in the town house.

She stood in said messy room on a bright and early Saturday morning. The smell of toast crept under her door from the kitchen below. Looking over the few stacks of boxes, she couldn't stand the thought of spending her one day off unpacking and cleaning. Trying to force herself to be an adult, she moved a box from the floor onto her bed and opened it, determined to make some progress on the mess she had created. Within the first box were books, that she was able to quickly put away and move to the next.

Not too hard! She rejoiced as she threw another box onto the bed. Opening it, her heart dropped. This box was older than the most recent move. It, along with a few others, had arrived at her duplex a week after she had left the band in the middle of the night. Inside it were items she hadn't seen in a year: old press passes, photos, dresses and other sentimental items. On the top of it all was a letter, elegant cursive addressed to her. She pulled the letter out and with great care, set it on the table beside her bed. She pulled out a lightweight navy dress with white flowers. One of her favorite summer dresses that had been tucked away, now allowed to see the light again. She took off her baggy sleep shirt and slipped on the dress, pleased that it fit better than ever. Dumping out the rest of the box onto the bed, she sorted out the clothing, pictures, and miscellaneous items into piles. Popping open a couple other boxes, she groaned at the number of things that needed organizing and decided she had done plenty for how early it was and quit. Walking to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and pulled her hair up in a big messy bun.

Skipping down the stairs, she found Sam in the living room, curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee and the avocado toast she made almost daily.

"Good morning Sam." Lilith sang, brushing her friend's hair as she walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning Lily!" Sam called to her. "Oh hey!" Sam jumped up from the couch and jogged after her, nearly spilling her coffee. "Is Seth coming over today? Should I clear out after breakfast?" she asked, standing at the island in the kitchen. Lilith sighed, dread running though her.

"I totally forgot. He's coming over this afternoon." Lilith frowned, pulling a protein shake out of the fridge. "I'll go to the store and grab dinner plus some wine and I guess some snacks for Seth. You can stay, he's not going to care." Lilith passed Sam as she walked through the living room and to the front door. "Anything you need?" She glanced back at her friend who had followed her to the door. Sam smiled and shook her head.

"No, I'm fine. Be careful, it's gonna be hot today." Sam gently touched her arm. "Cute dress by the way." She winked. Lilith placed her hand on Sam's, then turned, grabbed her purse from beside the door and walk out into the muggy, warm morning.

Twisting the lid off her breakfast to go, she took a sip and cringed. Not her favorite meal but it was useful in a pinch. Not wanting to prolong the unpleasant experience, she finished the drink in a few deep gulps as she headed toward the shops, tossing the bottle into a trash can. Pulling her book from her purse, she walked along the sidewalk, reading the cheap romance novel. She delighted in the sex scenes like a kid in a candy shop, picturing herself and an attractive man in the same situations. Perhaps a few select attractive men...She smiled. Glancing up from her book, her eyes locked with a very familiar pair of eyes across the street. The man stood with his hands in his pockets, his black hair slicked back, one eye void of color and the other bright green. Her heart jumped, her vision narrowing to see only him. Her dreams had not done him justice, his presence exuding elegance. He looked as he had the last time she had seen him, bare face and in all black. She was halted dead in her tracks, her heart racing. After a moment, he smiled at her and it took her breath.

The Abandoned PathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon