Ira Dei

412 11 22

As with previous encounters with the clergy and the band, Lilith had not heard a peep from anyone since the impromptu lunch. Two weeks had now passed, and she was preparing to move to New York City with Samantha. She was also preparing to start her program at the beginning of July, which was now a few days away. The morning after Lilith's welcome dinner in the city, Seth had offered to take her out to brunch at a small bistro near her house. Though she didn't want to socialize anymore and certainly didn't want to go out, she agreed. The day was hot and dry but was cooling off from a recent heat wave that Lilith was sure was going to kill her. Trying to put in some effort despite her exhaustion, she wore a white linen summer dress Seth bought her as a graduation gift with strappy sandals. She couldn't be bothered to shower though and put half her hair up into a ponytail. Lilith walked into the diner to see Seth at a table with her mother, father, brother, and sister-in-law. Lilith's stomach dropped, fearing this meal was much more then that. As she neared the table, Seth stood to greet her, hugging her, and helping her to her seat between him and her mother. Her mother was giddy and excited, probably also having guessed why they were all there.

"Hello again!" Lilith said with a stiff smile. "Has everyone ordered?"

"Not yet, we wanted to wait for you." Seth said. As the minutes ticked by, she became more anxious for the end of the meal. Lilith ordered a simple fruit and yogurt plate off the 'lite eater' menu, the thought alone of food sitting in her clenched stomach making her nauseous.

"Is that all you're going to eat honey?" her mom asked, her brow tense with worry.

"I ate so much last night I probably don't need to eat for a week!" Lilith laughed. Seth rubbed her knee, paying her more attention than he ever had before. She hated it, the way he was looking at her like they were in love. She didn't love him and she knew he didn't love her. He could hardly tolerated her, even on a good day. Having seen the band again made her realize just how little he did care about her. The meal came and passed, Lilith's anxiety churning her stomach. Despite the small size of her meal, her stomach protested its presence. There the fruit and yoghurt sat like a log, adding to her mounting discomfort. Once the dishes were cleared from the table, Seth cleared his throat, turned toward Lilith and took her hands in his. Here we go she prepared herself, trying desperately to maintain a mask of excitement and love.

"Lilith, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. That love has grown stronger and deeper since our time together." Pulling a small box from his pocket, he opened it to reveal a ring. "Lilith, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?" he asked, the table silent, watching Lilith. Love, love, love. The word repeated in her head on loop. She looked up from the ring to a man sitting near the door of the dinner. His lightly tossed black hair and loving smile took her breath away. He sat in the booth alone, he long legs crossed. Love...her mind called. Her eyes misted, the sight of him breaking her heart again. He raised his hand for her, beckoning her to him. "Lilith?" Seth drew her attention back to him, their eyes locking. His jaw was clenched and tight, his eyes dark and the smile he had was fading fast. Lilith's heart paused, panic gripping it as she tried to muster the courage to do what she knew she needed to. She needed to leave, to figure out what Papa wanted and why he was calling to her.

"I-I cant! I'm sorry!" Lilith stammered and Seth lowered the box, his eyes now coal black. She jumped up and ran from the table of family, past the empty seat that Asmodeus had been in just moments before. She ran the five blocks home, throwing her purse down once she got inside. Her feet were barking, the straps digging into her ankles. Taking in deep breaths, she tried to feed her oxygen hungry muscles and calm her heart. Sweat trickled down her back and the small meal she had eaten threatened to reappear. The door swung open moments later, Seth storming in. The knuckles of his balled fists were stark white, his entire body tense. Slamming the door behind him, Lilith began to cry, knowing whatever was to come would not be pleasant. The windows rattled at the force of the door hitting the frame that held it and she filched at the sound. Still trying to recover from the run, she could hardly manage to speak. "I'm so sorry Seth, I just can't get marri-" her apology was interrupted by the back of his hand slapping across her left cheek, forcing her to stagger to the right. She held her face, looking up at him in shock. The pain from his assault was dampened by the rush of adrenaline that burned through her. She could feel her power pulse within her, vibrating her body but she held it in.

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