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Lilith was giddy with anticipation as she packed an overnight bag. Despite being 21 now, she still loved Christmas and the traditions that came with it. Luckily, her brother and sister-in-law were coming down to stay with her parents, which meant that Lilith could stay at her parent's house for the holiday too. Zipping the bag, she looked over at the small stack of gifts that sat on her dresser. Sam had taken her gift with her to New York when she left two days ago. The rest were for her family apart from a small black box. She grabbed her bag and gathered the gifts in her arms, the door opening for her on her way out. Alpha was already in the foyer, tense and frowning.

"You really don't have to come, I'll be fine." Lilith sighed. The tall man turned to her, his face softening.

"Sorry my Queen. You have to have an escort." He grinned. "Want me to grab anything?" he stepped toward her.

"Just the door." Lilith smiled and followed him out of the manor and to her car. Alpha opened the back door for her where she unloaded her arms and tossed her bag in. Grabbing the black box, she walked around the back and sat behind the wheel. Alpha sat in the passenger seat, pulling the seat belt across his body. "I uh, I got you something." She smiled, glancing over at him.

"Is that right?" he chuckled, his eyes looking down at the box in her hand. She nodded and held it out.

"Nothing big." She watched him pull the paper off and open the box. Within it was a silver necklace, a pendent laced onto it. He pulled it out of the box, holding it in his palm.

"Lilith..." he looked over at her, his smile gone.

"It's my sigil." She gave him a weary look. "I hope that's not weird." She added, his face not showing the emotions she was expecting.

"No, it's not weird." He finally smiled, opening the clasp and stringing it around his neck. "Thank you, Lilith. I actually have something for you too." He grinned and reached into the back seat. Sitting back, he handed her a narrow box with a CD jewel case taped to the top.

"What is it?" she giggled, pulling the case off the box and looking it over.

"Well, you know how Earth owed you a drum lesson? He ended up filming one when you left. He always thought you would come back." Alpha spoke as Lilith opened the box, pulling out a pair of drumsticks. Tears welled up in eyes, her fingers running over the smooth wood.

"Thank you so much Alpha." Lilith looked to him with tear-filled eyes.

"Hey, don't cry." He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, a soft smile on his lips. Her beauty was nothing compared to her love and compassion. Something that he never thought he would admire so dearly in another person. "Let's get going. I have been nervous to meet your family. Air said your father can be quite intimidating." Alpha laughed, settling into his seat. Lilith returned the drum sticks to the box and set both of her items in the back seat.

"I'm nervous too." She admitted as she turned the car on. Her family knew that she was bringing her 'boyfriend' to Christmas, but that was about it. Her mother was surprised that she had a boyfriend, her father hesitant to have a boy stay overnight. They drove away from the manor and toward her parents' house, a quick 15 minute drive.

Pulling up, she saw that her brother was already there. The house was decorated with lights and fake deer. Large bows adorned the wrap-around porch and a large wreath hung on the door. Lilith parked next to her brothers old Studebaker, hopping out and surveying the property. Alpha grabbed their bags, Lilith gathering the gifts. Frost still covered the grass, crunching under their feet as the crossed the front yard to the stone pathway and onto the porch.

"Alex, right?" she whispered, glancing over at him. He winked at her, a grin on his beautiful face. He wore an ivory cashmere cable knit sweater and black slacks with black dress shoes. His blonde hair was freshly cut and styled with a side part, short on the sides. Knocking on the door, Lilith walked into the warm home. Green garland wrapped the banister of the stairs in front of them. The smell of a cooking dinner lingered in the air, the sound of the TV drifting in from the living room.

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