Chapter 35

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Skye's POV

We were making out on the back sit of the car that's when the car stopped abruptly making Kat who was on top of me fall down. making me laugh.

"ouch" she said rubbing her back.

"why did we stop?" I asked Andrew.

"Cause there's a dozen of limo's in front of your house" Andrew said

"what?" I looked out of the window and he was telling the true. there were a dozen of limo's in front of my house. what's going on?

"Andrew just drive the car into my garage" I told him. he did what I told him. but before we could entry my house one of the men stopped us.

"sorry sir you can't go beyond this point, you will have to take the other way around" he told to Andrew. I told kat to hide in the back and i pulled down my window.

"what's going on?" I asked the same guy, pulling my window down.

"sorry madam we cant tell you and you would have to move from here your blocking the way for the owner of the house."

"I don't think that's possible cause I'm the owner of the house." I told him closing the window. he let us go. that's when I saw I limo parked in my drive way.

"is dad here?" I said to myself

"your fathers here?" Kat said popping up from the back.

"I don't know he didn't call me" I pulled out my phone from my purse that when I saw 31 missed calls from an international number and 5 from Bella " he didn't call but an unknown number and Bella surly tried to contact me. check if neal tried to call you?" I told kat.

"Hey Andy, wheres my phone its not in my purse."

"I don't know you had it on you before went to Serafina." Andrew told her. I felt something vibrate. I put my hands in between of the sits and found Kats phone. I checked it and found 10 missed calls from neal.

I quickly call Bella. As Andrew was parking the car inside the garage. all of us got off the car after the garage doors were closed.

"hey, I been trying to get in touch with you guys since so long" she said practically shouting at me.

"I'm sorry both of our phones were on silent." I told her in an apologetic tone to calm her down as I was opening the door.

"don't go home with Kat" she told me as we were entering the living room.

I already I'm home with her and Andrew." I told her. that's when I realized why she told me not to.

"Mom?" I said in shock looking at the last person I expected to be here.

"hello darling" she said giving me a hug

"what are you doing here? and why are there so many cars outside? I know for a matter of fact that not your style."

"well, good to see you too" she said sarcastically. " aren't you going to introduce me to your friends here." she said completely ignoring my question.

"this is Katherine she works with me in KatRic and that's Andrew he's her bodyguard/driver/butler. this is my mother Cerise Jackson"

Kat came forward and shook moms hand. "its a pleasure to meet you ma'am" she told my mom.

"the pleasure is all mine, please call me Cece" mom told her.

"shes also my student mom" I told my mom. to which kat looked at me in a weird way like what ar you doing?

"isn't it against the rules to meet your students outside of school?"

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