Chapter 9

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Katie's POV

"We have a problem," I said to Skye.

I just realised my mom was downstairs working, so if I tried to sneak her out of the house my mom would see and then we might have a bigger problem. My mom doesn't have a problem with me bringing girls home but this was my teacher, she was looking at me with a serious look which was cute.

I told her my mom's downstairs and she started to panic and blabber something which I couldn't understand. I pulled her towards me and kissed her when she relaxed in my arms I pulled back and told her "Skye, relax I will find a way to get you out of the house without my mom seeing ok?"

"Okay" she replied.

I walked out of the room and checked where exactly my mom was sitting. She sat near the main door where her office was. I could go in and pretend that I have to talk to her and close the door meanwhile Skye can leave the house.

Yup that's a good plan I can do that. I explained the plan to Skye and she agreed I told her to wait near the garage door.

We walked towards my moms office I went in and closed the door. "Hey mom, I thought I would come meet up with you before I leave for school"

"Hello darling thank god you're here I need to ask you something". She replied.

"What do you need to ask?" I ask trying to hide my panic. Did she already figure out Skylar was here?

"Why are you on the front page of daily times?" she asked confusing the hell out of me.

"Yeah I walked in from the red carpet as you asked me to, so maybe it's that. Also did you tell me you're buying out a few articles?" I asked, confused like was this her plan all along?

"I don't think it's from the red carpet" she said and threw today's paper towards me. I quickly picked it up and started reading the head line.

'Newly introduced future CEO of KatRic spotted kissing' what the fuck when did this happen I know when it happened but why were paparazzi following me, shit!

The article said that I was spotted kissing a mystery lady in a red dress, she was following me towards the car when I pushed her towards it and started making out with her. After a minute we got in the car and left.

"What the hell mom, why are the paparazzi following me?" I shouted loudly and started pacing around in the office.

"Darling, you were introduced to the world as the future CEO of the company. This won't be the last time you will be on the front page. So next time be careful about hooking up with someone as the reputation of the company is also at stake now." She said seriously. She shook her head and looked at me like this was the most obvious thing to happen. "I understand this was your first time out and mistakes happen but let's make sure this is the last mistake."

"Yes mom sorry. I'll make sure this never happens again. I'm leaving cause I'm getting late for school. Can I borrow this newspaper?" I said as I quickly picked up the paper. I feel this much time was enough for Skye to get to the garage.

"Yeah sure go ahead, love you darling" she said as she then shushed me away.

"Love you mom." I said with a smile as I blew her a kiss.

I quickly ran towards the garage door "Where were you we are getting late" Skye whispered.

"Sorry I was held up by my mom". I quickly opened the garage door and told Skye to pick a car as we won't be able to drive together.

"Why?" she asked.

I quickly gave her a kiss as it might be the last time I get to do this and showed her the article.

"Your name or who you are is not mentioned but I think we should keep a little bit of space between us as the paparazzi might still follow me." I said as she skimmed through the article.

"Yeah that's right we should maintain distance. I can't afford to get my teaching licence revoked or go to prison" she sighed and kept the newspaper down.

The mood got very depressed and silent so I asked her "Which car do you want? Pick one then you can take it to school and drop it back here, I will tell one of the drivers to drop you home after that, OK?"

She simply just said "OK" and picked a Wrangler "You can pick the expensive ones too if you want. Here take the Mercedes. I know you like it as I saw you admiring the car down at the hotel." I gave her the keys. "No it's fine I can take the Wrangler." she said.

"Nope," I replied. To which she responded "Fine".

She walked toward me and pulled me into a kiss and then said "This might be the last time I get to kiss those plumpy lips" then walked towards the car and drove off.

"Yup it might be" I said to myself as I took the keys to my bike and helmet and rode off towards the school. 

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