Chapter 10

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Skylar's POV

I know she's right, I know that this can't happen but my heart doesn't want to stop this. Well whatever this is, last night was the best night of my life. It is so dangerous of us doing this, cause next time I might not be just a mystery girl that stays over.

It won't only ruin my life and reputation but also my family's. I should have thought about this before last night maybe then it wouldn't have happened. The largest problem is that I'm her talent show helper, so there is no way to avoid her...

I quickly got into the class, I was only 2 minutes early. The first lecture quickly ended, it's time for the second lecture the lecture where Katie is in. I went towards the door and stood outside to welcome the student as always. A few students entered before I saw her, there was Katie at the end of the hallway. Where are her two friends, something doesn't seem right...

Why is she wearing a hoodie? It's so hot outside. While she was walking into the class I asked her " Katie, what's wrong?"

"Paparazzi and students that is what's wrong" she replied.

Oh, I forgot that no one in school knew about who she was and now after last night people will know who she really is.

"Where are Neal and Eugene?" I asked her

"They both got held up in their last lecture," she said.

I replied, "OK, why don't you go sit at your place". The final bell rang and I shut the door.

"Students you're going to read the 5th chapter as I know no one has done the homework. So start reading". I went and sat on my chair. I started correcting some paper when Neal and Eugene knocked on the door I let them in as they had a hall pass and I wasn't in the mood to give them detention. I went back to my correcting. I noticed that Katie was staring at me whenever she thought I wasn't looking at her.

The lecture quickly passed by, I asked Katie to stay behind to discuss the details of the talent show. Neal and Eugene told her that they would wait for her outside. "We have rehearsals from the 5th till the 7th lecture you remember right?"

"Yeah" she replied "I will be there" she was about to leave.

"Kat hold up is everything alright, you look disturbed?" I asked concerned as she looked really annoyed.

"Yeah I'm fine just the stupid paparazzi and the wannabe students behind me since this morning it's kind of frustrating," She said as she put the hood back and sighed.

"Relax it will cool down in a few days it's just a new thing for them," I said.

"Hope so" she breathed out.

"Listen take the car keys I called my driver to come to pick me up as I can't risk driving around in your car". "Ok" she replied.

She really is very frustrated that she's not even in the mood to reply to me, and not even smirking or a smile like she always does. "Listen if you're not feeling up for it we can cancel today's rehearsal," I told her.

"No it's fine I need something to keep my mind off this I will be there for the rehearsal," she said then she left ok she didn't even say bye or anything.

I called up at my parent's house and told the housekeeper to send me a driver to pick me up from school later.

I finished my lecture and went up to the rehearsal hall as it was 5th lecture time for rehearsals. I don't even know if she had picked a song or if she needs help with picking it. I guess I can manage the light and shit.

Katie's POV

I wasn't in the mood to deal with my friends I just gave my bike keys to Neal and told him to drop them off at my home.

I told Neal and Eugene to explain to the group my problem and last night's story. They were cool with it. I left school.

Thank god Neal and Eugene didn't ask me about last night I know they must have read about last night and noticed when I left them alone the previous night at the party. They have been very helpful, they have been roaming around in the school behind me like my bodyguards. I know they have many questions but are not asking me any of them as they saw how frustrated and irritated I was since I walked into school.

The bitchy rich kids were near my locker for starters and they were nicer than they have ever been. I wanted to slap one of them thank god Neal rescued me since then they are roaming around me like my bodyguards.

I reached home and went straight to my room. I called one of the servants on the intercom and told him to wake me up in an hour as I have to go back to school. I also asked them to put my guitar in the car I just drove home in.

My servant whose name I don't know woke me up: "Ms. Romanov it's time to get up, also I brought the guitar to the car I didn't know which one you wanted so I placed both of them in the acoustic and electric in your car" he said.

"Thank you ... sorry what's your name?" I asked him

"Andrew Ms. Romanov" he replied.

"Andrew call me Katie or at least Katherine Ms. Romanov is my mother." I told him.

"Yes, Ms. Roma..." I gave him a are you serious look "I mean Katherine the lady from last night left her necklace behind in your room. I found it after you were trying to sneak her out." Shit, he saw that.

"Don't think about it too much I didn't tell ma'am about it as she was already angry with you because of the article. I put the necklace in the car too." he smiled.

This guy is cool.

"Thanks, Andrew tell me how long have you been working here?" I asked him

"Just 2 months Katherine I use to work as Madonna's bodyguard before I came here and before that, I was in the army," He had a weird boyish devil charm about him.

"Why did you leave from there?" I asked him in shock like Madonna is a big huge deal.

"It was to far from my house and it demanded me to deal with her crap" he replied.

"OK, Andrew you're clear to do my work and tell everyone else not to enter my room without my permission only you are allowed to enter, okay?" I asked. As I never really preferred too many people entering my room. Also, I don't have to worry about him having another motive as a mom must have vetted him before hiring him.

"yes, ma'am" he gave me a salute with it which made me laugh he left the room as i told him to. This guy is excellent, better than another servant we have got.

I got up and drove to school in a good mood.

I reach school. I picked up the guitars and put Skye's necklace in my pocket. I started walking towards the rehearsal hall. I could see someone so I walked in. I found Skye kissing some girl. 

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