Chapter 17

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Skye's POV

Yesterday was crazy and then today I sneaked out of the house by actually telling Kat's mom I was there, and her friend's face. Neal almost choked on his food when he saw me enter. Wow, it was a weird day.

I think I'm falling for Kat. I know it's stupid and she's my student but I don't know. I think I'm going to go crazy if I'm not with her.

I should go to sleep I have to go to a board meeting tomorrow. The meeting is in KatRic. So Kat should be there. I don't think she will be there, it's her party today so she will be very sleepy in the morning. I turned off the lights and tucked myself in.

I woke up to loud banging. I checked my phone it was 2:35 am. Who the fuck is at my door this late? I got out of my bed. I went to my door and swung it open.

It was Kat. I'm I dreaming?

I don't think, and she's drunk.

"What are you doing here? Did you drive here?" I looked out of my door a servant was standing near a car and he nodded once at me. Thank god she told a servant to drive her. I grabbed Kat and pulled her in. She has a bottle of vodka in her hand. I took it away "I think that's enough for you."

She tried to protest but I just pulled it away. I left her and turned to shut the door and keep the bottle on a surface, I turned back around.

"Hey, where did she go?" I look down, she's laying on my floor.

Wow, she's screwed up drunk. I picked her up.

"Volcano," she said

"Volcano?" I repeated in confusion

"Out of my mouth." She mumbled

"Out of my mouth? volcano out of my mouth? Oh, you're going to vomit." Working as a teacher to 1st-grade students in my free time helps with drunk people I guess

I quickly dragged her to my bathroom. I held her hair back while she vomited. When she was all done I picked her up and took her to my sofa and placed her there.

Till this moment I didn't realise her shirt button was open and she was wearing a sexy black bikini. I pulled off her clothes as it was covered with vomit. I gave her a bottle of water to finish.

"Kiss or no water," she said

"You finish this bottle I will give you a kiss, OK?"

"Promissss?" She said with a cute innocent face.

"Yes, promise," I told her, so she started drinking water mean while I went into my bedroom upstairs to get her a pair of clothes. I took off her bikini too as they were also dirty. And I slipped her into my T-Shirt I found lying around. I think she's a bit sober now.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her

"Maria came and- d we had fight big fight" she made a weird bomb explosion sound which made me laugh.

"Then what happened?" I asked her

"She hit Neal then I hit her boyfriend then Eugene hit her boyfriend then then then then Bouncers threw them out then we go and party," she said giggling like a little girl after the word party. "But then Kat gets sad and vodka makes her happy and makes her miss you. So she comes here to be happy with you." She said ending her sentence.

Ok, she literally talks like a 6-year-old girl when she's drunk. But she missed me and she wants to be happy with me. I shook my head. She's drunk she doesn't mean anything, but liquor brings out a person's real thoughts.

Screw it, I need to get her to sleep and I also need to sleep. By this time she was passed out. So I picked her up and took her to my room. I tucked her in and I decided to sleep on the sofa.

A Blonde with Blue EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon