Chapter 15

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Eugene's POV

The party preparations were almost done. This year it was a neon house pool party. It wasn't anything major as Kat wanted it to be a bit more chill but last I asked John he said half of the school is coming. Well, I don't think it's going to be chill. That's why I set up the upper deck just for close friends and I have even call a few bounces so if someone gets to drunk and starts to cause trouble they can be thrown out.

People might think this is too much, but wait till the party start you will know why I'm taking all these precautions.

The party will start in an hour I guess I should head back home and start getting ready. Neal already left like an hour ago to get ready. He's picking up all of our friends and coming. So he needed to leave early.

I opened the door and walked into the house. "Neal, you there..... anybody home?" It was silent. I guess Neal already left.

I went to my bedroom and pulled out a pair of navy blue shorts and a white shirt. Which I was planning to keep open while the party.

I took a shower, got dressed and left for the party. I hope Neal is wearing something appropriate. Knowing him he would just jump in the pool in his Calvin Klein. Instead of Justin, they should have taken him. He shows off his CK undies more than the posters of JB in his CK all around town.

I reached the mansion and it looks amazing at night. We never had a party here as Kat wanted to wait till she was introduced to the company.

Well, I think it was worth the wait.

The party has just started but the mansion looks packed. The music is so loud I can feel every beat of it. I saw John waving toward me.

"WOW, you were right the whole school is here," I told him.

"Yeah I told you" he replied back. we started moving towards the upper deck.

"so what did you, get for Kat?" I asked john.

"you will see, what about you what did you get?" He smirked.

"you will see," I told mimicking him. He just gave me a are you kidding me kinda look

We both met everyone on the top deck.

"Hey, where's Neal, don't tell me he's screwing some girl already," I asked chuckling.

"I don't think so, he went inside like 5 minutes ago," Lizzie told me

"Dude this place is huge, I knew Kat was rich but this is rich rich," Roswell exclaimed

"Dude this place is nothing for her 16th birthday her grandfather had left her an island somewhere near Costa Rica. Well her mom was the guardian as she was under-aged but now I think it's her as she turned 18 today. Speaking of brats where is she?" I asked as i looked around.

"Not here yet." Beth said holding a drink in one hand and dancing.

"I will go get her it's time to cut the cake," I told them and started walking towards Kat's room

You know I have been in this mansion many times still I get lost sometimes. Like I don't know which corridor I'm in right now. I guess this is her room. I opened the door "Hey, Kat everyone's waiting for........" I saw Rochelle and Neal making out on the bed.

"What the fuck" they both looked at me in shock and jumped away from each other.

"I-it's not what it looks like" Rochelle stammered

"Ok, then what is it," I asked them with an all-serious look but I wanted to laugh so badly "we- we fell on the bed," Neal said moving his hand everywhere it's a thing he does when he's nervous.

I burst out laughing at your face, guys seriously why would I have a problem with you guys hooking up or dating whatever this is?" I told them.

"Dating" Rochelle and Neal said together.

"Ok ok," I said laughing "so since when are you guys dating ?"

"6 weeks" Rochelle said

"6 weeks! Why are you guys hiding this then?" I asked shocked.

"We want to lay low for a while I have a reputation of a playboy and as for her she's a goodie too shoes so we want to keep it as a secret, I hope you keep it a secret to." Neal asked me.

"Yeah, sure whatever you guys want and anyways if her brother found out your dead," I said with a smile.

"That's true," Rochelle said with a smirk on her face.

"Come on, I can handle your brother," Neal said puffing his chest

"If you say so" Rochelle replied chuckling

"Hey hey hey before you guys start fighting, Neal where's Kat's room?" I asked him as it was better at identifying rooms than I.

"Below this room," he said and then he started arguing with her again

Wow, Rochelle and Neal never thought that could happen. Hopefully, there will be fewer naked girls roaming around in the apartment now.

Finally, I found Kat's room and guess what she wasn't there. I guess she's already near the pool. So I started walking back towards the pool.

I was right she was already there.

"Hey, I have been trying to find you everywhere?" Kat asked me

"Well I was trying to find you and I got lost, anyways everyone's here let's cut the cake." I said smiling.

We cut the cake and had a bit of a food fight too. Everyone is enjoying the party.

The party looks good till now.

What the hell is she doing here? "Neal... Neal" I shouted

"what?" he asked me annoyed "I was just above to bag that girl"

"Look," I told him pointing towards the girl "I have had a few is that her or am I dreaming?" I asked Neal

"No, it's her," Neal said with an all-serious look. He was clenching his jaw and fist again and again.

"We need to get her out before...." He wasn't able to complete the sentence as Kat showed up.

"Hey, guys who are you looking at? Found anyone hot?" She said.

Kat saw who we were looking at.

Shit, we are so screwed I mentally face-palmed myself.

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