one last hurrah

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No one realized how quick Evelyn's move to New York would be. But in true JJ fashion, he was able to throw an epic goodbye party at the beach house just days before she would be heading for the big apple. Her parents and Alejandro had flown into New York a day before Evelyn so they could settle into their new spot and so she could have one last day to spend with her friends.

Despite the smiles and advice, she had received from everyone, her friends were understandably upset. For one, she didn't give them enough notice that she would be moving away, and for two, Evelyn was a crucial part of their friend group.

They had all been friends, for the most part, since they were children. All of their lives were pretty much intertwined with one another since before they could remember. Despite breakups, fights, and arguments they all seemed to push past that and focus on the friendship aspect of their relationship and that's what truly made their vortex so special.

As much as Evelyn wanted to stay, nothing was really keeping her in Los Angeles. Most of her family would be uprooting themselves and leaving for New York, except Enrique, who still had his sights set on GAU and his football career.

Of course, he and her friends were a factor in her decision but they all had their sights set on something and right now, Evelyn wasn't sure what she wanted and she needed space from her bubble in LA to figure out what it was that she had her sights set on.

She couldn't have been more grateful for all of her friends that came out to the beach house to celebrate her going away. It wasn't necessarily something anyone wanted to celebrate but they knew they had to do something for their closest friend.

Music blared loudly through the beach house, drinks were offered upon arrival, and for something so last minute, it was definitely done incredibly well. Evelyn had made her rounds to the people there and greeted them with hugs, saying her thank you's and having small talk about her plans for New York.

It wasn't until the night began to settle down and the music had lowered down an octave or two that Evelyn found her way out to the beach and stumbled across Jordan.

"I have talked to everyone except for you," she said.

Jordan pulled his gaze away from the sand and patted the empty space beside him. "This feels vaguely familiar."

She hummed, recalling the night they poured their hearts out to one another, the same night she and Asher argued over how close she and Jordan appeared to be.

"I guess so."

"Uh, how's Ash taking the big move?" Jordan asked. "If anyone understands the whole long-distance's me."

Evelyn shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Long-distance won't be a problem for us. We...we broke up."

It still didn't feel real. However, on the night of the funeral, Evelyn and Asher finally sat down and had the conversation they so desperately needed to have. Since prom night, things kept spiraling out of control, and the only solution they could come up with was to... break up.

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