Chapter 6- Blackeye

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Ok the picture in the top was just jamiebarnes21 and I were just messing around and it was totally fun. Oh and I'm making this on my phone but just now found out how to bold and italicize.

Percy's P.O.V

The next day I woke up to an alarm that I set. Meaning school was about to go on.

I got up and changed then grabbed my backpack. Looking at the clock and seeing how I didn't have much time I raced up the stairs to the kitchen.

Grabbing an apple and leaving a note that explained that I was going to school I raced and the way back down to the bottom floor. Which was a long run down the steps of a 75 floor building.

By the time I got all the way down I was out of breath. Luckily I grabbed my skateboard and started skating kt school.

I arrived just as the bell rang saying that we should get to class. The high school building was the biggest out of all the other schools for it contained grades 9,10,11, and 12. Thankfully Jason was and skipped one grade meaning he is in 9th grade at the same school.

Jason was standing by the door as I ran up the small steps grabbed him and pulled him into school.

He smirked and I smiled. "What happened?" He asked

"Well after I dropped you off at home I got kidnapped by the Avengers, forced to live with them, met my dad and bonded, ran down about 75 stories of a building after alarm clock failed to wake me up on time, skateboarded to school, and there you have it my day."

Jason blinked a couple times and said, "You met the Avengers?"

"More like got kidnapped by them."

Jason smirked and we waved goodbye as I slipped into my classroom and went into the back of the class and got my books out for Algebra.

While waiting for everyone else I got out my science book and started reading.

Soon enough class began and I tried to act like I wasn't there. I love school...students not so much.

As I left Algebra I had a free period and went to the pool. Sitting on the bleachers and started to read again. After a few minutes my book was slammed down from where I was reading.

I looked up and saw Drake and his two goons. "Well look it here the idiot is here all by himself reading." Drake sneered

I looked up then back down to my book. I picked up my book and started to read again. Drake once again punch the book from my hands. It happened once more and I was sick of it.

"Do you mind."

"Not really"

"Just go away"

"Now why would I do that" he started sneering and his goons cracked their knuckles.

I knew what was coming and tried to grab my book and run. But it was too late and Drake punched me in my eye.

I cupped my eyes and fell from pain that erupted around it. I figured I was going to get a black eye. Drake's goons were about to start hurting me when coach came in.

"Get the hell out of my pool." He yelled as Drake and his goons sprinted out.

Coach bent down and I let him look at my eye. I could already tell there was swelling going. Coach sighed and started leading me to the nurse's office.

Upon there the nurse have me some ice and an excuse for the class I was late for. Mumbling a thanks I got on with the rest of my day with whispering and Jason glaring at everyone as I lifted my head proud like the black eye didn't stop me. Only in reality I wanted to sink into the shadows and go home.

If I had a real home to go to. Gabe wouldn't care and the Avengers already expressed their hatred toward me. Only nice person there was my uncle, father, Steve, and Bruce. Not much of a family at all.

On the way home I grabbed a baseball cap from my bag that was a navy blue New York City cap. Putting it on and lowering my head I went into the Avengers tower through the back way.

Once I was in the elevator I hit the 'Avengers floor' button that also had the kitchen on it. Not having lunch because of all the states makes you hungry.

When the elevator opened I lowered my head even more and walked to the kitchen, "Freeze." I heard the voice of Steve say.

The noticed all the Avengers watching the scene with curiosity, I shifted from foot to foot as Steve got up and made his way over.

Keeping my head low he took his fingers making my head rise and took of the cap. When he took the cap off I tried to look anywhere but him.

I heard the Avengers give a short gasp but really why would they care it's not like they do.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket and was thankful that dad wasn't here right now and instead was in the library from what I could guess. I moved away from Steve, putting the ice pack from the nurse that I stuffed in my pocket onto my eye I walked to the kitchen and started making a sandwich.

Once I was done Steve tried to stop me once more but I slipped by and went to my room.

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