Chapter 5- Meeting the Father

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Thor's P.O.V

When Percy told me that my brother willingly gave up trying to take over the world I left to talk to my father.

He sworn on the Norns that it's true. Maybe just maybe I can reduce his sentence.

After many hours of debating with Odin and Frigga

After I convinced my father of letting me take Loki to earth he finally agreed after mother talked him into it.

Now I was waiting in the Throne Room as mother got Loki and talked to him.

When she finally returned Loki was in chains after putting on bracelets to restrict his powers he was able to go to earth once more.

I sent a message to Fury earlier explaining the development of Loki staying with the Avengers and I.

Once back on earth with Loki we landed on the balcony. The Avengers were there with different emotions. Most just grunted and went on their way.

American Man was the only one left. He took over explaining things to Loki as they walked to the elevator.

I wonder if there are any tarts of pop anywhere?

Loki's P.O.V

I followed Steve as he lead me to the elevators. So far he is the only one making an effort and it seems that he isn't faking his smile. He looks somewhat happy that makes me uncertain.

"Why is it you are smiling?" I asked him narrowing my eyes.

He looked confused, "Did Thor not explain to you about your son staying here too?"

I was shocked my son was here, where? "Where is he." I had to try to stay cool but I wanted to know my son. After the letter I really wanted to spend time with him.

"He's on the same floor you will be sleeping on too. My floor if that's ok. It will just be us three. I was the only one that doesn't mind."

I was curious, "Why is it that you don't mind?"

Steve looked hesitant, "Percy talked to Bruce and I, he is a smart kid but not a lot of people will take the time and listen." Steve stopped and turned to me, "he lost his mother and his aunt and his step-father doesn't like him. A camp he went to he doesn't even fit in. He needs a father." He told me looking serious and straight into my eyes.

I looked him straight back and said "I plan on not leaving him again." But I was nervous with Odin not mother though, mother would be excited to met him if she could.

We started walking again but in silence. We stopped outside a door, Steve smiled and motioned for me to go in. I knocked and heard a 'come in' opening it I was so excited.

The boy who looked so much like me and his mother turned around then sprinted to the door saying, "Dad!" I got done on the floor and embraced him. I put my head in his hair as we continued to hug and smile.

I heard Steve leave and was grateful to see and talk with my boy again. Once we stopped embracing Perseus had some tears going down his face.

I cupped his face and said, "Perseus it's so good to see you again." Perseus wiped some tears, "It's Percy dad, Perseus is to long."

I chuckled then got confused a bit, "Why is it that your aura is a bit ocean like?"

He smiled and started to talk about his time with Aunt Sally and her boyfriend turned adoptive father Poseidon. It explained the Aura. He then talked about the war, his friends, sacrifices he made, how the campers don't like him for being Norse son of Loki.

I got mad as he told his story but was thankful for the friends he does indeed have still.

I was so glad to just talk with my son. Before we knew it it was 10 o'clock at night. I smiled as he stifled a yawn, "Go to bed son i'll be down the hall ok?"

Percy smiled brightly at me as much as he could with droopy eyes. "Ok dad goodnight." I smiled and kissed his head,"Goodnight son." With that I turned off the light and closed the door.

As I closed the door Steve appeared and smiled, "This way." He then lead me a door down and opened it. Putting some Norse cloths that I brought and towels on the bed. "If you need anything else I'm sure Percy would love to help but if he doesn't know you can ask me." He smiled and left me to get ready for sleep.

Maybe being here won't be so bad...Only I wish how short my time with my son would last until something bad happened.

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