Halloween Bonus

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(A/n: Short bonus in the meantime! I am working on the next fic and doing my best to get it done! Enjoy! And fair warning, this bonus is very fan service-y so perhaps a little spice and nonsense lol. It takes place a couple months after Jimin and Reader start dating)

Halloween! Probably the best time of the year. Aside from all the other holidays where you tend to always make the most of it. It can't be helped! You like having fun and bringing Jimin along made it so much better. He used to be such a hermit until you got through to him. Dating Jimin still felt unreal at times. The fact that he reciprocated your love always got you to squeal. Every time you looked at him, your heart filled with warmth and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. Just how in love were you with this man?

To be fair, the love was returned in full force. It never occurred to you just how passionate Jimin could be. He was extremely needy as is and dating him meant keeping up with his constant need of affection. Luckily, you didn't mind showering Jimin in kisses. The both of you were happily in the honeymoon phase as Jungkook liked to call it. Any chance Jimin got to be alone with you at his place or yours, it certainly was treated like a honeymoon. It's sometimes hard to think about those nights without blushing profusely. The man was extremely passionate indeed.

Today was no different. You told Jimin that you would be getting him a matching costume and that yours would be a little sexy. That got you a bunch of interesting texts and winky faces. The spam was at least entertaining. When you arrived at his place with the costumes, Jimin wasted no time kissing you and perhaps bending you over the kitchen counter. You were just glad he didn't insist on doing multiple rounds like usual. The both of you have a schedule to keep up! You're supposed to meet Jungkook and Hwanwoong at the pumpkin patch for a photoshoot and then head over to Jungkook's house for the party.

"Why can't we just stay here tonight, hm? Have some fun?" Jimin kissed your neck. He kept his arms wrapped around your waist as you held the costume bags.

"No can do, Slim Jim. We got a party to go to," you said as Jimin immediately pulled away his arms with a groan.

"I told you that nickname is banned! It's the worst one!" Jimin stomped his foot. It was nearly a whine that made you giggle.

"I thought creepy made you lose it." You saw his eye twitch. A gentle reminder for you to not push it, but you loved teasing him. He could never get mad at you like he used to. He would always just pout like a cutie. "Okay, well, it's time to get dressed anyway." You dumped out the costumes onto the couch.

"What the f*ck is that?" Jimin refused to believe his eyes.

"You're going to be mustard and I'm going to be sexy ketchup!" You grinned. It took everything in Jimin not to sigh and crush your dreams. The old Jimin would have told you how stupid this was with no hesitation. However, boyfriend Jimin…

"(F/n), I love you, but not a chance in hell."

"Jimin!!" You whined. "Come on, do it for sexy ketchup!"

"You're not enticing me like you think you are." Jimin crossed his arms. You frowned at him before smirking. Getting closer to Jimin, you wrapped your arms around his neck. It took so little to fluster him and make him blush.

"Please? For me?" You batted your eyes.

"...if you insist."

You love your adorable boyfriend. Jimin couldn't play the tough card forever. He got himself dressed up in the bright yellow costume and judged himself heavily in the mirror. Anastasia meowed at him loudly before hiding under the bed. He wasn't feeling great about it until he saw you as sexy ketchup. Now that was the game changer. With the both of you dressed, you two headed out to the pumpkin patch to meet up with your friends. You were excited to see there was no one at the patch. Not to mention, Jungkook and Hwanwoong arrived at the same time!

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