Gym Day

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Gym time! You made sure to come dressed in the appropriate clothes for it. It was just your regular leggings and tank top. Jimin was messaging you nonstop this morning as well. What a way to start the week. He was just telling you things about the gym being for the people who lived at the apartment complex he stayed at and that you should stick by his side. Basically, be well behaved with him. You can do that just fine! He has nothing to worry about. All he has to do is show you what he does and you'll follow along with his little workout routine before heading to work.

It's probably not a big of a deal as he made it out to be. The only thing you found strange was when he asked to see your outfit in order to approve of it. Did he think you were going to show up in a tight dress and stilettos? When you sent the photo, he just replied with a smiling cat emoji. Now what does that even mean? It's as if he's looking for new ways to confuse the hell out of you. You'll just take that as he approved of your simple look. With your bag on your shoulder, you made it to your car and drove over to Jimin's place for the first time.

You weren't sure what you were expecting. Jimin lived in a normal area, but of course he did. It's not like you would find him living in a swamp with ghastly creatures as his neighbors. Somehow this was still pleasantly surprising. His apartment looked a lot nicer than yours just from the outside. It was pretty telling when he sent you the gate code to enter the building. Not even your apartment had security like that! You might as well get murdered in yours, but you had a feeling Jimin was paying a pretty penny to live here. You were in awe of everything as you made your way to Jimin's door on the third floor.

Knocking on the door, you patiently waited outside for him to answer. You came a little earlier though you thought it would better to be a couple minutes early than be a second late. There were footsteps coming closer on the other side that you listened closely to. You began to smile as the door unlocked and opened to reveal Jimin. You were ready to greet him until you took in his appearance. The top half of his hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, giving you a view of his forehead for once. Then he wore a white Calvin Klein sleeveless crop top with black joggers.

"Woah." You looked him over.

"Are you having fun?" Jimin asked.

"This is new." You smiled up at him, bringing your hand up to touch his ponytail only for him to push your hand down.

"It's getting too long that I'm tempted to cut it right now." Jimin sighed as he took a step back, allowing you to enter his apartment.

"Go for it. I'll be here for moral support or I'll do it for you. How does that sound?" You stayed near the entrance as Jimin walked to his kitchen. He was in the middle of setting up his protein drink for the morning.

"Sounds like a mistake waiting to happen." Jimin scoffed.

He wasn't wrong about that and yet at the same time, you were more than willing to help him. What better way to bond then making a mistake together? Then again, he might just hate you more if you mess up. It was a risky move, so you'll sit on that idea. For now, you took in a deep breath and looked around Jimin's apartment. With the way he decorated his place, it looked a lot more spacious. Though you couldn't help but notice a cat tower in the living room with a litter box nearby. He had a cat? You were surprised he had the time to look after a cat with his job, but you suppose it was possible.

"What are you looking at? I'm not giving you permission to steal anything." Jimin turned to check on you after putting some green powder in his water. He was shaking it in his arms as your eyes met his again.

"I'm not trying to steal anything, you weirdo. I'm have a cat?" You pointed the cat tower out. Jimin slowly began to stop shaking the bottle with a smile forming on his face. He nodded softly as he set down the bottle on the counter before walking to his bedroom door. He opened it slightly as he crouched down. And just like that, you were seeing a whole new man.

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