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(A/n: Forgive the poor gif quality. I was desperate to show it, but wattpad won't do gifs bigger than 3mb so unfortunately this is what we get. It's still cool though.)


It was finally the month of October. In other words, spooky month! You were thrilled while so many dancers were getting stressed out. Performance season officially starts mid-late October with Frankenstein. The dancers you knew performing in that show were Jimin and Jungkook. Well, you knew basically all the dancers though they were the ones you were close with. Saying you were close to Jungkook was a bit of a stretch. Maybe. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it felt like you were testing Jimin's patience.

He didn't trust Jungkook for a minute. You felt like he was holding back a lot of his thoughts when it came to Jungkook. He wasn't taking the chance to insult the man? Interesting. Most of the time Jimin said whatever he wanted without caring who he hurt or what others would think of him. Then again, he has been doing a good job of keeping his promise to you. He was definitely more cautious of his words so he wouldn't hurt you. It would always be by accident if he did, but Jimin hasn't done that in a long while.

You were confident in saying that you've managed to befriend the cold beast! Did Jimin consider you a friend? Possibly. Just not a close one and you were no way near the same level Hwanwoong was at. Regardless, you were proud of yourself and happy that you officially had some peace at SNB again. No extreme fights, just silly little arguments that would end in laughter. The only thing that could be a worry was Yumi and even then, she was hardly a thought when thinking about threats to your happiness. You could genuinely say you were happy.

Before entering company class, you checked the schedule. Eventually there would be some days where rehearsal would take place on the stage. Sometimes SNB liked to sell tickets for people to watch rehearsals and have the process explained to them. They didn't sell out like productions, but intense balletomanes love to buy tickets. Those rehearsals could be stressful. Then along with the productions and rehearsals, SNB also liked to put on a few random small scale performances. Sometimes a performance by all the seniors at the company and things like that. You had a lot to keep you busy and a lot to look forward to.

"Good morning." You entered the Petipa studio, bowing to your coworkers. You hurried over to the barre to set down your water bottle. Jimin and Hwanwoong were already there, stretching themselves out and warming up.

"We have a guest ballet mistress today," Hwanwoong mentioned as you took off your bag from your shoulder.

"A guest, right. I forgot." You took a brief glance around the room to spot them by the piano with the accompanist.

"Don't just eye the guest. Warm-up and get ready for class," Jimin told you. He said this with care, but you couldn't help yourself from rolling your eyes at him.

"Oh, Jimin, without you my career would fail." You batted your eyes at him. Hwanwoong chuckled at this while Jimin scoffed. Playful jabs like this made your morning as well as Hwanwoong's. Finally, someone else was beginning to have fun with Jimin too.

"Just stretch your feet." Jimin reached into your bag to grab your TheraBand and throw it up at your face.

"Ah! Fine, fine." You shook your head, letting it fall to the ground. He made his point crystal clear. Though you did have to stick your tongue out at him for good measure. The most Jimin could do was narrow his eyes on you while you giggled like a child. The two of you would always put on an amusing show for Hwanwoong.

There was banter even during stretching. It was just expected at this point. Hwanwoong always laughed without intervening. He knew the two of you could handle yourselves, especially with Jimin forming a filter over his words now. The both of you were able to warm-up just fine before the guest was introduced by Miss Novikov. You were looking forward to seeing how this class would go with a guest running it. She looked thrilled to start as the floor was given to her.

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