Three to Four

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It was early in the morning when you heard that buzz at your door. You had barely been awake for ten minutes and even then, you still felt asleep. It's not like you had been mindlessly scrolling your phone. On the contrary, you were staring at your ceiling and feeling yourself sink into your mattress. Your body was nothing but a heavy weight at this point. You were tired and not in the mood to get up early on your day off. After pushing through another week of work, you had your time to rest. The thing was, when you're constantly working and finally have time to yourself...there's still some work that needs to be done in your personal life.

Recently, you had bought a small shoe drawer in hopes that you could stuff it with all your dead pointe shoes for now. The big bag in your closet was close to bursting so this purchase was made with little thought or regret. The only thing that sucked now was having to assemble the dang thing. It cost extra to have people make it for you, so you decided to just make it yourself. The problem with that is that you have absolutely no idea how to build even with instructions. This task of yours was getting swept under the carpet for as much as you could until you had no other choice but to build it.

But you got lucky. As you forced yourself out of bed, you checked to make sure your hair didn't look too awful. A soft yawn left your mouth as you shuffled over to the front door. They weren't supposed to be here this early, however it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Unlocking the door, you opened it to reveal Jungkook with his hair trimmed. Once you opened the door wide for him, Jungkook's smile grew to the point where the sides of his eyes crinkled.

"Why are you here so early? I haven't even gotten ready for the day." You turned around, shuffling your way towards the bathroom.

"We wake up earlier for work. What do you mean?" Jungkook laughed.

"Let me just get ready. You stay there." You gave him a stern look. Jungkook held his hands up in the air, no longer moving as you went into the bathroom.

Gosh, you already have Jungkook coming over to your place. You never thought your friendship with Jungkook would turn to this. It was easy to get along with him, yet you never expected it to get this far. Interesting. No one did actually. Hwanwoong and Jimin were still shocked that you suddenly became friends with Jungkook. They didn't say much when you confirmed it to them. That was also because they had acted stupidly themselves over who had a big butt.

Memories from that day still made you want to scream. How will you ever face Hoseok again? From him thinking you're having an intimate relationship with Jimin to him seeing your friends were @ss obsessed men. Their own specifically! It's like you couldn't live a normal life anymore. That was a privilege you had lost the moment you became more than acquainted with Park Jimin. Only a couple months into your friendship with Jimin, you've gained a new friend who was also quite the character. At least Jungkook doesn't glare at you and he can help you in building your drawer for you.

While Jungkook was waiting for you, you got ready in your bathroom. By that, you just meant brushing your hair and a few extra touches in order to make it look like you hadn't woken up ten minutes ago. The pajamas were staying on anyway since you weren't planning on leaving the house. A purple tank top and fuzzy purple shorts which were too comfortable to remove. You came out of the bathroom to see Jungkook had moved against your words. He was standing in your living room, looking around curiously with no socks on.

"What are you doing? And why do you have your socks off? You're rubbing your corns all over my carpet." You frowned as Jungkook's face turned pink.

"H-Hey, leave my corns out of this!" Jungkook coughed, crouching down to hide his feet. "Don't attack the corns of the guy who's here to help you out."

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