Stage Romance

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The date for Romeo and Juliet was getting closer. The month of January passed as you were now in the start of February. Each rehearsal took place on stage now and next week would be the start of tech rehearsal. Finally, the lighting would come into play along with the costumes and more props. So far the only props used were the swords and even then it was not often for safety. In your opinion, watching the choreographed sword fights was very entertaining. Also because it was funny seeing Hwanwoong and Jungkook fighting to the death as if they hated each other when they were so close in reality. It just made you so happy.

The fun part about Romeo and Juliet in general was having two of your close friends in it. It sucked that Jimin wasn't in it, but the four of you were in Swan Lake together. That made up for it! The four of you have plenty of time to make memories all together. For now, the rehearsal process on Romeo and Juliet was getting stricter. The entire show was near ready, but all it needed was a lot of cleaning. There was always something that every dancer could improve on.

Mister Rossi was the main coach for Romeo and Juliet. He choreographed every scene with some help from other coaches. It was mainly Mister Rossi's project and as much as he loved it, it stressed the hell out of him. The dancers for the production felt the same way. Today feeling the most nerve wracking with the whole live rehearsal thing. Instead of practicing in a studio with Mister Rossi, you would be having rehearsal on stage with a live audience. It made you feel a little queasy, but nothing you couldn't handle. Just allowing others to see you perform when you're still not polished puts you in a vulnerable spot. Especially when audience members contained donors and people from the board.

Hwanwoong and Jungkook agreed with you. They were bouncing around on their toes with you in the hallway. You were nervous to go out, but at least you would only be out for the first half. You would be rehearsing the balcony pas de deux with Hwanwoong first. It was a pretty romantic one though all your scenes with Hwanwoong were romantic. Aside from the whole ending...but your point stands. Thanks to the whole falling deeply in love aspect, many of your movements needed to appear light as air and delicate. Hwanwoong had to effortlessly carry you around and lift you up in the air as if you weighed nothing which wasn't true at all. However, ballet liked to defy all odds and if Mister Rossi demanded for the piece to look weightless then that's what the two of you were going to give him.

Jungkook, the lucky b*stard wouldn't come out until the second half of rehearsal. That part only sucked for him in the sense that he needed to stay warmed up in the hallway. Poor Hwanwoong was required on stage for the entire live rehearsal. It made him feel faint, but he was ready to just get this over with. He was going to play your lovely Romeo and you needed to be his one and only Juliet. Though the both of you knew this play was a lot more than love at first sight and the tragic ending. As if Mister Rossi hasn't drilled it into all the dancers in Romeo and Juliet to take it seriously.

Hopefully Hwanwoong and you can deliver the powerful message that Mister Rossi wants to see on stage. Performing a ballet production of Romeo and Juliet is a lot different from the regular play. All the beautiful dialogue Shakespeare wrote was wiped just for Hwanwoong and you to prance around. But this is just you trying to joke around and forget how nervous you actually are. Hwanwoong kept fixing his hair as he looked at a mirror in the hallway, commenting how he should have applied more BB cream while you were cracking your joints in hopes that you wouldn't be clicking all over the place on stage.

"I look awful without makeup, oh no." Hwanwoong brought his hands up to his face.

"You're literally delusional," You commented as Jungkook nodded.

"You look great no matter what, Buddy. Plus this is just rehearsal and we're not even in costume." Jungkook pointed out. "I doubt they'll focus on whether they can see your eye bags or not."

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