Crazy Jealousy

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Your friendship with Jimin was on the rocks. It's not that you didn't want to be friends with him. You very much did, but it was hard to pretend everything was alright. Seeing him made your heart ache and it only reminded you of your pathetic jealousy. What use was it in the first place? There was nothing you could do, so you found yourself wanting to mope around. There was a frown stuck on your face that wouldn't go away. Any time Jimin and you were in the same room, it was painfully awkward and quiet. Hwanwoong and Jungkook were mainly carrying the conversation and doing their best to include the both of you.

Their efforts were appreciated. They cared for the two of you a lot, but you still needed to get yourself together. You wanted to stay friends with Jimin at the very least. The problem mainly came from Yumi's presence. She didn't have to be in the room for you to hear her name be spoken and hear Jimin's following shortly after. The stinging reminder made it harder for you to dust yourself off and swallow the reality of the situation. As hurt as you were, you didn't want to keep it going for too long. After all, there was a show to put on with Jimin and you working closely together.

Swan Lake was beginning to do rehearsals on stage. Today's rehearsals involved going over all the scenes in act four. It was the final act in the ballet after Siegfried broke his vow to only love Odette because of Odile. Since the vow was not kept, the curse cannot be broken so Odette and all the swan maidens will be forced to live the rest of their lives as swans. The swan maidens try to comfort a broken hearted Odette when Siegfried appears to apologize. She accepts his apology, but the damage has been done. Rather than staying a swan for the rest of her life, Odette chooses to die and Siegfried dies with her so they can be together forever. At least with their deaths, Rothbart's curse over the rest of the swans is broken and he dies too.

It's quite the ending. It also felt like such poor timing considering you did feel heartbroken because of Jimin and Yumi. Maybe your life was building up to a punishment for the way you acted in the past. The fractured ankle was just a taste of the pain you were going to experience. Life is strange with how it worked. You don't know what all this emotional suffering was for, but you figured you could get through it. You'll just have to survive working with Jimin with an act that felt way too personal at the moment. The funny thing was you weren't the only one who thought that.

Jimin was in the bathroom with Hwanwoong, washing his hands as he thought about how to handle today's rehearsal. Prince Siegfried broke Odette's heart and he did the same to you. Men. He sighed heavily, taking his hands out of the cold water to splash his face. He seriously needed to get it together if he expected the rehearsal to run smoothly. He didn't want you feeling unsafe for every time he had to lift you and hold you close. Jimin winced, thinking of all the choreographed moments where you and him are intimate and together. Practically the whole act!

"I'm—such—a—f*cking—idiot." Jimin smacked his face with each word. He gritted his teeth, knowing that nothing would come out of hitting himself. He hardly felt better as he looked at himself in the mirror. Jimin's cheeks were red and stinging, but he didn't care. He couldn't sleep well at all thanks to the fight two days ago.

"Hyung, don't do that." Hwanwoong pleaded in a gentle tone. He was in the bathroom, drying his hands on the side. He had come to give Jimin company and keep an eye on him for good reason. Hwanwoong crumbled up the damp paper in hands to toss it into the trash. A sigh left Jimin when Hwanwoong came up to him with a worried look. "Hyung, it's going to be okay. (F/n) and you are going to get in your roles and it'll be fine. She still spends time with us out of rehearsal, so clearly she doesn't hate you."

"Maybe she does." Jimin let his head hang down as he gripped the sink for support. "I'm taking too long on apologizing. I don't even know what to say."

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