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It was hard to figure out the exact dynamic you had with Jimin. The two of you knew the both of you would never be super close besties. That just wasn't realistic, however there was clearly some sort of friendship forming. Maybe. Jimin and you could bicker like no tomorrow, though it never grew into big fights anymore. The both of you knew what not to say or do in order to prevent that from happening. Was it to protect the chance of forming a friendship for the sake of Swan Lake or because the both of you were starting to genuinely care about the other enough to think about your own words? You remained uncertain.

Things were complicated as always it seems. Neither of you wanted to admit that you cared for the other. Not a whole lot! You weren't at the I'll die for them level that Mister Dupont was rooting for, but you'd feel bad if Jimin tripped and scraped himself. Jimin supposed he would feel bad if your only clean fork fell on the floor while you were trying to eat. The improvement was there! Plus, Jimin found himself thinking about you more often. You weren't just another background character in his life so that meant something as well. You were persistent, he'll give you that.

He still wasn't over the comment you said in the parking lot though. Was he interested in dating you? Not in the slightest. But he knows he's a god d*mn gift (his words). Whatever, you're not even his type anyway. Jimin assured himself of this even days later while receiving a checkup from Yoongi. Better Yoongi than Hoseok even if Yoongi is incapable of shutting his mouth for a second. Just endure it. Jimin stood shirtless while Yoongi examined Jimin's spine, making sure the slight discomfort Jimin had been feeling wasn't anything serious.

"So, you're really not dating (F/n)?" Yoongi asked.

"Do your job." Jimin didn't even blink.

"I am," Yoongi grumbled. "Tilt to the left." He didn't hide his discontent. Yoongi would much rather be getting as much juicy information as he could so he could tell the world. Well, there was nothing juicy. Jimin and you are just friends and even 'friends' was pushing it.

Jimin sighed, tilting his body to the left slightly. He took in a breath as Yoongi examined his back. With one hand below Jimin's neck and the other at the middle of his spine, Yoongi noticed how Jimin's back muscles had tensed up slightly. They didn't do that when tilting to the right. Jimin, of course, was acting tough and not saying anything. If there was a mirror in front of them then Yoongi had a feeling he would see Jimin trying to hold back a wince on his face. It didn't seem to be anything too serious in Yoongi's opinion. Jimin could still move and dance fine only with minor discomfort.

"It's at the center of your spine here." Yoongi pinched the skin gently for Jimin to feel. He carefully let go, pushing in to see Jimin tense up again. "It could be that you slept wrong, messed up during a workout, or did a lift wrong."

"Can you take care of it?" Jimin questioned. He was hoping he wouldn't have to take any of Hoseok's rehabilitation classes and do exercises with him.

"Easily. Just lay down on your stomach and I'll be like your chiropractor." Yoongi walked over to a counter to write on a clipboard. "Just make sure to not to depend on your back when carrying weights. Lift with your legs, not your back."

"I know that," Jimin muttered.

"Oh yeah? Then what's this?" Yoongi walked over to poke Jimin's spine.

Instantly, Jimin made a face that didn't look like he was fine and dandy. Yoongi won this round and that couldn't be more infuriating. The man was more of a gossip than a physical therapist. The smug face on Yoongi also wasn't helping Jimin's temper. He makes sure to watch his posture when doing weights and coaches help him out if they feel he's performing a lift dangerously. As Jimin turned to face Yoongi, he felt his right arm raising on its own. He wasn't even thinking and grabbed Yoongi by the throat. The therapist turned pale, realizing his life was flashing before his eyes.

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