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[Yeo Hwanwoong]


There were multiple rehearsals for Swan Lake in the two weeks that have passed. Along with Swan Lake rehearsals were all the other rehearsals for productions you were in. The Nutcracker was doing pretty great. A couple scenes from the first and second act were blocked. They weren't fully choreographed though. There was still a lot to be done for all the productions. Romeo and Juliet was going well too. Only a few parts were heavily discussed and the choreographing process. Eventually there would be full runs for a dance then a scene and then a whole act. Your two productions were doing extremely fantastic compared to your third production.

It's not that Swan Lake was a disaster. It honestly was going fairly well. The choreographer may have made a lot of dancers nervous with how invested he wanted them into their characters, but it wasn't a worry. You actually think it helped a lot of the corps de ballet people add character to their roles early on rather than solely focusing on technique and memorizing choreography. Mister Dupont may be an odd ball at times, but he knew what he was doing. There were four acts in total in Swan Lake just like Romeo and Juliet and it was going to be the final production of the season. That meant Mister Dupont had the most time to perfect his show.

During the past two weeks, he was able to get a few scenes started on choreography. They still needed to be completed before any cleaning, though it was a good start. Everything was still in the early stages so no pressure. For most people. You loved to put pressure on yourself it seems, but now you felt it more than ever when arriving to rehearsal. It was a more intimate rehearsal to learn scene eleven of Swan Lake. It was just Jimin, you, and Dupont in the studio. Being near Jimin was cause for being paranoid that things could go wrong.

You just knew Mister Dupont was going to see that your chemistry with Jimin was still nonexistent. The trust fall didn't really do much. Maybe you can trust him not to drop you during a lift? You would hope he would be able to do that much. Though Jimin seemed to be annoyed anytime you asked Mister Dupont about lifts. What is with that face he's making? He didn't have to say a thing for you to see him giving you attitude. Dupont couldn't see much of a difference from Jimin's regular stoic expressions, but you could see a difference. His eyes were daring you to keep asking about lifts so you did.

"I know for scene eleven it's the first time Odette and Siegfried meet, she's scared of him," You said as Jimin narrowed his eyes on you. "How are lifts going to be a part of this scene?"

"Just a reminder that I'm not your prop." Jimin had his arms tightly crossed.

"Never said you were." You gave him a tight smile. He was practically the protagonist as Prince Siegfried so what was he so moody about?

"Don't go off thinking you're the star of the show," Jimin added as you finally turned to face him.

"I never said anything like that either! What is your problem?" You stomped your foot. So early into the rehearsal and it was already going to crap. Just the fact that Jimin would be dancing alone with you for a scene that was specifically meant to introduce you had him acting like this. He's the one who thinks the show is all about himself!

"Alright, cut this out!" Mister Dupont laughed. It sounded awfully forced though. The grin on his face didn't look genuine, but he was certainly trying. Jimin had gotten close to continuing the argument, but the longer Dupont had to listen to the two of you bicker, the more he realized there had been no improvement since the rehearsal two weeks ago. "Okay, okay...I see that this was my mistake."

"Your mistake? What do you mean?" You nearly felt your heart drop. Was he regretting having cast you? You were ready to beg just to keep your role while Jimin prepared himself for the worst.

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