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After rehearsal, it was finally the weekend. You finally felt like you could relax a little. It had only been a regular week of work, yet you were more than ready to unwind. Perhaps watching another 'I Didn't Know I was Pregnant' episode as you down a bag of Doritos could be the way to have a good day. That sounded like a nice plan except you weren't exactly fulfilling it with your current state. Honestly, you smelled heavily of the pain relief spray and your feet were numb inside the ice bath. Your version of self-care really differed depending on the day. You were finishing your ice bath when you received a text from Jimin.


Receiving a text from Jimin wasn't necessarily a surprise, yet recently you felt he's been quiet with you again. He's hard to read as is and it didn't help when he avoided you. Did you do something wrong? Things have been a little awkward since he witnessed the stage kiss between you and Hwanwoong. As much as you wanted to downplay it, you weren't sure how Jimin actually took it. Was he just simply shocked or what? These questions wouldn't get you anywhere though. All they did was remain unanswered as you tried to get sleep at night.

However, Jimin's behavior has been strange lately. Naturally, he's grown closer to you as your friend. You would say everything was going great and normal up until that morning in the hotel. It wasn't a huge shift, but that memory loved to appear in your head from time to time. That one loved to fluster you for no reason. The one extreme change you noticed was how quiet he had gotten with you before he got sick. Then he got very clingy after he got sick only for him to create some distance after watching the live rehearsal. The man was not letting you live in peace!

But a message from him had to be a good sign. Grabbing your phone, you read it over a couple times to check if your eyes were deceiving you. Nope. The message really did come from Jimin and he was asking if you were free to go eat and spend time around the shopping outlet. He wants to hang out alone? Just the two of you? You didn't even realize when you had walked out of the bathroom to stop in front of your closet. It's been a while since the both of you hung out alone together like this—not that this was strange or a big deal! You just appreciated some alone time with him.

So you accepted the invitation and proceeded to panic. "Okay, okay, okay! Breathe, (F/n). What's the weather like today? Oh my god!" You were jumping around in your apartment with your chest tightening. What part of 'breathe' do you not understand!?

You were all over the place mentally as you tossed a couple good outfits onto your bed. What about the weather? Crap! The weather! Stumbling over your feet, you made it over to the window and opened it up to stick your hand out. Obviously, it wasn't raining but the chance of that did look possible. The clouds in the sky were clumped together, some greyer than others. A few clear patches of the palest blue in the sky allowed the sun to shine through. The breeze was light so it would be best to bring a jacket just in case. Shutting the window, you rushed back over to judge your outfits.

"Casual is out of the question." You eyed the couple dresses you had out. This was the perfect excuse to dress up and look nice. The question was how nice? It was a little cold out so that limited what you could wear. You had about an hour to get ready, so you weren't going to waste all your time deciding on an outfit.

Ultimately, you went with a cute baby pink dress that you had boughten a while ago. The material was so soft, it went down to your calves, and the top was long sleeved. The top was ribbed until it reached your waist and it looked like a fabric belt before starting the pleated material of the skirt. You were a big fan of pleated skirts for some reason. They just looked so nice and they were fun to twirl around in. Once you had the dress on, you did a bit of makeup and pulled back some of your hair with a white scarf scrunchie. Last but not least, you wore nude lace-up heels to leave the house with.

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