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Waiting for the cast to be decided felt like it was taking a century. It was a decent wait time for you, but the one struggling to find patience was Jimin. Anytime he wasn't dancing, his mind couldn't help itself from wandering to the auditions. It consumed him like most auditions did. Until the roles were decided then he struggled to sleep or eat in peace. Dancing became his distraction then. That was all he could get himself to do in order not to lose his mind. Jimin was used to this habit of his as stressful as it was and Hwanwoong was aware of his hyung's poor habit.

With how many hours he was forced to spend time with Jimin just by working at the company, it was impossible not to find out how big a perfectionist Park Jimin was. He was obsessive to the point where it led to overworking himself and taking his craft to a worryingly serious level. Though Hwanwoong felt like Jimin was doing slightly better since they became friends. Jimin won't exactly admit that they're friends, but it was clear that Jimin didn't mind the younger's company and appreciated it. It didn't need to be said. Hwanwoong knew it well on his own by the way Jimin kept him around most during these times.

Before Jimin got close with another dancer at his company, he was alone by choice. Other colleagues tried befriending him though it never really worked. They would invite Jimin out to eat or drink, but he would rather stay back to practice at the studio. He was a picky eater and didn't drink. It was too dehydrating he had told them. He needed to keep his body in top condition at all times. They just gave him tight smiles, accepting his decline to their offer awkwardly.

Everything when it came to Jimin was awkward. The way he spoke often made it hard to have an ongoing conversation with him. He spoke bluntly and yet he said things in his head that he expected you to hear. He was all over the place while also being completely pulled together. He made no sense. Not to mention, Jimin also didn't have a naturally friendly aura. Maybe he used to. Though he's changed a lot over the years to be taken seriously and he wasn't going back to the way he used to be. In the eyes of others, Jimin may be rude or strange though he acted this way for a reason.

This was him now. Working at the barre to perfect even the most basic moves. Reviewing centre work he had done in company class even though it was just a random combination the ballet mistress created. For everything that Jimin did, he needed it to be perfect. He needed to be perfect. There was that saying that the goal of ballet is to reach perfection. Of course, to many that was impossible. The most people could do was get close to perfect and practically everybody at this company would say Jimin's got it. Still, that wasn't enough for him.

Certainly not if it didn't guarantee his role as Prince Siegfried. It was getting to Jimin as he waited for the days to pass. That day of class has been on repeat in Jimin's head. He wasn't too worried about his barre work, but rather if his centre work was up to the choreographer's standards. He made sure to not only focus on technique but also add his own touch of charisma. He learned the combinations quickly, hoping to impress the man who made the final decision. All Jimin wanted was to leave a lasting impression on Dupont. Was he successful? Or was it not good enough?

"Park Jimin~! Jiminie~! Jimin!" Hwanwoong waved his hands in front of Jimin's face in order to snap him out of his thoughts. For the past couple minutes, Hwanwoong had been talking to himself assuming that Jimin was listening. Nope. His hyung had that distant look in his eyes and he automatically knew this couldn't be good.

"Huh..." Jimin finally blinked though he was still out of it.

"You're worrying about the auditions when you should be worrying about our one weekend performance in two weeks." Hwanwoong clapped his hands repeatedly in hopes that it would keep Jimin from thinking about anything else. "Park Jimin! Park Jimin!" He sang slowly as Jimin began to furrow his brows, a deep frown forming on his face. Finally Jimin looked like he was present in this room as he glared at Hwanwoong.

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