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When class ended Anne texted her mom telling her that she'd be going to the park. As soon as she looked up from her phone she saw her friends from a distance.

She waved hi and they waved back. She started walking towards them.

"Hey, guys!" Anne said.

"What's up Anne!" They both said.

"C'mon, let's go to my locker. I need to put these books away before we go." Anne said.

They all started walking to Anne's locker.

"Okay, so there's an ice cream machine at the park. We could get ice cream or we could buy cheap sodas and snacks from the vending machines." Charlie said.

"Hmmm okay everyone empty your pockets, how much money do we have."

Everyone pulled out their money and May started counting.

"Okay looks like we have enough for everyone to get a soda and some chips but I don't know about ice cream.." May said.

"Let's take the safe option, let's just get soda and snacks!" Charlie said.

"Alright, I'm cool with that," Anne said, putting her books away.

"Anne, is it cool if I just leave my books in your locker? I don't want to walk to mine." Charlie said.

"Yeah for sure I'll need to make some space though give me a sec."

"Okay cool while you do that I and Charlie will go get the snacks!"

"Sounds good to me!" Anne said.

When May and Charlie were walking away Anne noticed that there was barely anyone in the halls anymore.

As she was putting the books away she felt a presence behind her.

"That was quick did you guys forget the"
(Authors note)
If y'all read the author's note in part 26 then you know that I was considering turning the schedule to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday instead of every weekday.
Well, I decided that I will do it to deliver my best work possible to all of you.
Recently I've been rushing in writing the episodes and I'm scared that I will deliver a sloppy and written product.

I love all of you thank you all so much for the votes and for reading my stories <3

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