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When she turned around to see who it was her blood ran instantly cold.

It was Julie.

Anne felt as if her mouth had been taped shut; she didn't know what to say or how to feel.

"Anne?" Julie said.

Anne didn't say a word.
Instead, she slowly turned to see her friends' faces. May seemed to be as shocked as she was and Charlie was just plain confused.

"Um.. can I speak to you after school?" Julie said.

Anne noticed her glancing behind her and she looked extremely cold.

"No," Anne immediately responded. She didn't even think the words just fell out of her mouth.

"Oh," Julie said just as shocked as Anne was. She began walking away before stopping herself. She looked as if she was about to say something but in the end, continued walking.

"What was that?!" May said

"Okay, now I'm interested in what is going on!" Charlie said.

Anne stayed frozen for a bit before turning around.

"I'm so confused." She said,

"Yeah, so are we!" Charlie laughed.

As soon as Charlie laughed they all nervously followed.

"I think I need to clear my mind-" Anne said.

"How about we go to the park after school, all three of us?" May suggested

"Yeah that sounds good," Anne said

"I'm down!" Charlie said. "We do have to get to class though we don't want to be late haha."

They all started to walk to class Anne secretly hoped the class would go fast.

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